The Seven Gods of Wealth and Fortune in Japan
In Japan we have seven gods(goddess) for wealth and fourtune. And these gods(godess) are enshrined at several shrines through Japan.
We call these seven gods(goddess) as “七福神(しちふくじん-shichifukujin)”. The origins of these gods(godess) are from China and India.
Each member of these seven god(goddess) are as follow;
- 恵比寿(えびす-ebisu)–God for business. Originally fishery god.
- 大黒天(だいこくてん-daikokuten)–God for foods and wealth.
- 毘沙門天(びしゃもんてん-bishamonten)–God for fortune and virtue. Originally god for military arts.
- 弁才天 or 弁財天(べんざいてん-benzaiten)–Goddess for Music, intelligence, talent and wealth.
- 福禄寿(ふくろくじゅ-fukurokuju)–God for happiess, wealth and longevity.
- 寿老人(じゅろうじん-juroujin)–God for longevity.
- 布袋(ほてい-hotei)–God for harmonious personality and wealth prosperity.