In Japanese, we use the Kanji “弓(ゆみ – yumi)” for express “bows” and the Kanji “矢(や – ya)” for “arrows” and both of them are usually treated same occasion so we use the word “弓矢(ゆみや – yumiya)” for expressing “bows and arrows”.
And we have a few popular words and phrases related these words. For example;
“弓道部(きゅうどうぶ – kyuudoubu)” – An extracurricular activity club for school students who practice the Japanese style “弓矢” skill.
“矢面に立つ(やおもてにたつ – yaomoteni tatsu)” – This phrase has a same meaning of the English phrase “bear the brunt of”.
The following sentences are some of the examples in which some of above words are used.
- “我々の高校には、弓道部だけでなくアーチェリー部もある(wareware no koukou niha kyuudoubu dakede naku a-cheri-bu mo aru)” – In our high school, we have not only a kyuudou club but also an archery club (as the extracurricular activities).
- “彼は質問の矢面に立った(kare ha shitsumon no yaomote ni tatta)” – He bore the brunt of the questions.