Japanese Word Images for Vampire

Japanese Word for Vampire

吸血鬼 means Vampire

In Japan we use the word “吸血鬼(きゅうけつき-kyuuketsuki)” for the English word “Vampire”. And we also use the word “バンパイア(ばんぱいあ-banpaia)” for “Vampire”. This word “バンパイア” is just the one which is pronounced “Vampire” in Japanese way. So this English word “Vampire” is very popular in Japan these days because many vampire movies were introduced in Japan in past years from USA.

And if you know Japanese Anime “Shiki” which is a kind of “Vampire” story Anime. In this anime these vampire like creatures are called “屍鬼(しき-shiki)” or “起き上がり(おきあがり-okiagari)” and more powerful and rare one is called “人狼(じんろう-jinrou)”. The word “屍鬼(しき-shiki)” is the title of this anime. However these Japanese words (屍鬼 and 人狼) are not popularly used in Japan, just in this anime and in original Japanese Novel “屍鬼”. And the word “起き上がり(起き上がる-means get up or stand up)” is often used in Japan but rarely used for meaning “Vampire”.

Japanese Word for Vampire

屍鬼 means Vampire (in anime “Shiki”)

Japanese Word for Vampire

起き上がり means Vampire (in anime “Shiki”)

Japanese Word for Vampire

人狼 means Vampire (in anime “Shiki”)

Kanji Stroke Order for 吸血鬼

Stroke Order for 吸血鬼

Stroke Order for 吸血鬼


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