We use “運命(うんめい-unmei)” for translating English word “Destiny” into Japanese. And also in some case we use “宿命(しゅくめい-shukumei)”, “天命(てんめい-tenmei)” or “定め(さだめ-sadame)” etc for translating “Destiny” depending on the situation of a story in which the word “Destiny” is used.
The word “運命”, “宿命”and “天命” have similar meanings such as “fate” or “destiny” and they are used relatively same ways. And the word “定め” is a little bit different from others. The main meanings of this word are “rule” or “regulation” etc and when this word is used for a human’s life(as a life given by God), we translate the word “定め” as “Destiny”.