0885-Jouyou-kanji “州” Stroke Order and Meanings

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0885-Jouyou-kanji “州” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji "州"

Jouyou Kanji “州”

Jouyou Kanji "州" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “州” Stroke Order

Stroke # 6 Strokes
On-Yomi しゅう(shuu)
Kun-Yomi す(su)
Meanings Sandbank, Bar, Shoal
Land, Nation, Territory, State, Province

Kanji words which contain Kanji “州”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
州境(しゅうきょう-shu u kyo u) State boundary, Provincial boundary
州俗(しゅうぞく-shu u zo ku) Local customs
州崎(すざき-su za ki) Sand-spit
欧州(おうしゅう-o u shu u) Europe
九州(きゅうしゅう-kyu u shu u) Kyushu
三角州(さんかくす-sa n ka ku su) Delta
神州(しんしゅう-shi n shu u) ① Land of the gods, ② Japan, ③ China
中州(なかす-na ka su) Sandbank, Sandbar
本州(ほんしゅう-ho n shu u) Honshu
白州(しらす-shi ra su) ① White sandbar, ② Where white sand and pebbles are laid
氷州(あいすらんど-a i su ra n do) Iceland
砂州(さす-sa su) Sandbar, Sand bank


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