Japanese Word Images for Sky

Japanese Word for Sky

空 means Sky

In Japan we use the word “空(そら-sora)” for the English word “Sky”. So we say “青空(あおぞら-aozora)” for blue sky (“青” means blue), and we say “雨空(あまぞら-amazora)” for rainy days(“雨(あめ-ame, あま-ama or う-u)” means rain).

And the kanji “空” also means “empty” or “nothing” and often used in Buddhism like following these words; “色即是空(しきそくぜくう-shikisokuzekuu)” and “空即是色(くうそくぜしき-kuusokuzeshiki)”.

Japanese Word for Blue Sky

青空 means Blue Sky

Japanese Word for Rainy Day

雨空 means Rainy Day

A Phrase of Buddhism

色即是空 is a Important Phrase of Buddhism

A Phrase of Buddhism

空即是色 is a Important Phrase of Buddhism

Kanji Stroke Order for 空

Stroke Order for 空

Stroke Order for 空


  1. […] used these Kanji "空" and "手". However these kanji meanings are as follow; the Kanji "空" means "empty" or "sky" and the kanji "手" means […]

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