Japanese Jouyou-kanji “月” means “Monday”, “Month” or “Moon light” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
月日(がっぴ-ga ppi) |
Month and day (of the year), The date |
月日(つきひ-tsu ki hi) |
① Time, Years, Days, One’s life, ② The Moon and the Sun |
月下(げっか-ge kka) |
In the moonlight |
月下氷人(げっかひょうじん-ge kka hyo u ji n) |
Go-between, Matchmaker, Cupid |
月額(げつがく-ge tsu ga ku) |
Monthly sum |
月刊(げっかん-ge kka n) |
Monthly publication, Monthly issue |
月刊雑誌(げっかんざっし-ge kka n za sshi) |
Monthly magazine |
月間(げっかん-ge kka n) |
Monthly, Month-long period, During month |
月宮(げっきゅう-ge kkyu u) |
Moon palace of the Hindu god Chandra |
月給(げっきゅう-ge kkyu u) |
Monthly salary, Monthly wages |
月琴(げっきん-ge kki n) |
Yueqin (4-stringed Chinese lute) |
月桂(げっけい-ge kke i) |
① Bay laurel (Laurus nobilis), Bay tree, Laurel tree, ② Moon, Moonlight, Moonshine, ③ (Orig. meaning) katsura tree on the moon (in Chinese legends) |
月桂冠(げっけいかん-ge kkei ka n) |
① Laurel crown, Laurel wreath, ② Gekkeikan (sake manufacturer) |
月桂樹(げっけいじゅ-ge kke i ju) |
Bay tree, Laurel tree, Sweet bay |
月光(げっこう-ge kko u) |
Moonlight |
月産(げっさん-ge ssa n) |
Monthly production |
月謝(げっしゃ-ge ssha) |
Monthly fee, Monthly tuition fee |
月収(げっしゅう-ge sshu u) |
Monthly income |
月食 or 月蝕(げっしょく-ge ssho ku) |
Lunar eclipse |
月世界(げっせかい-ge sse ka i) |
Moon, Lunar world |
月旦(げったん-ge tta n) |
① First day of the month, ② Character sketch, Comments on personalities, Commentary |
月表(げっぴょう-ge ppyo u) |
Monthly bulletin |
月評(げっぴょう-ge ppyo u) |
Monthly review |
月賦(げっぷ-ge ppu) |
Monthly payment, Monthly installment |
月俸(げっぽう-ge ppo u) |
Monthly salary, Monthly pay |
月報(げっぽう-ge ppo u) |
Monthly report, Monthly review |
月末(げつまつ-ge tsu ma tsu) |
End of the month |
月明(げつめい-ge tsu me i) |
Moonlight, Moonshine |
月余(げつよ-ge tsu yo) |
A little over a month, Little more than a month |
月曜(げつよう-ge tsu yo u) |
Monday |
月来(げつらい-ge tsu ra i) |
Since a few months, Over the past few months |
月利(げつり-ge tsu ri) |
Monthly interest |
月輪(げつりん-ge tsu ri n) |
Moon, Full moon |
月例(げつれい-ge tsu re i) |
Monthly |
月齢(げつれい-ge tsu re i) |
① Age of the moon, Number of days since the new moon, ② Age in months (e.g. of an infant) |
月遅れ(つきおくれ-tsu ki o ku re) |
① Magazine a month (or a few months) old, Back numbers of a monthly, ② One month late event (from Lunar Calendar event) |
月影(つきかげ or げつえい-tsu ki ka ge (or) ge tsu e i) |
Moonlight, Moonbeams |
月掛け(つきがけ-tsu ki ga ke) |
Monthly installments, Monthly payment |
月極め(つきぎめ-tsu ki gi me) |
Monthly contract, Paying by the month |
月毛(つきげ-tsu ki ge) |
Palomino, Isabell |
月毎(つきごと-tsu ki go to) |
Monthly, Each month |
月頃(つきごろ-tsu ki go ro) |
These past months |
月白(つきしろ-tsu ki shi ro) |
To become a little bit white and bright in the sky when the moon is about to rise |
月代(つきしろ or さかやき-tsu ki shi ro (or) sa ka ya ki) |
Top part of the head that is shaved from the forehead to the crown (in Edo era) |
月足らず(つきたらず-tsu ki ta ra zu) |
Premature birth, Premature baby |
月と鼈(つきとすっぽん-tsu ki to su ppo n) |
Completely different, Be as different as day and night, Be as different as light and darkness, Be as different as chalk and cheese |
月並み(つきなみ-tsu ki na mi) |
Commonplace, Completely ordinary and unremarkable, Indifference |
月に叢雲花に風(つきにむらくもはなにかぜ-tsu ki ni mu ra ku mo ha na ni ka ze) |
(A metaphor for the fact that good things often have obstacles and do not last long) |
月の輪(つきのわ-tsu ki no wa) |
① Moon, Halo around the moon, ② Circle fashioned after the moon, ③ Decorative ring on the chest of a monk’s stole, ④ Straw trivet, ⑤ White crescent-shaped chest patch of an Asiatic black bear |
月払い(つきばらい-tsu ki ba ra i) |
Monthly payment, Monthly installments |
月番(つきばん-tsu ki ba n) |
Monthly duty, Monthly shift |
月偏(つきへん-tsu ki he n) |
Kanji “moon” radical at left |
月参り(つきまいり-tsu ki ma i ri) |
Monthly (shrine or temple) visit |
月見(つきみ-tsu ki mi) |
Moon viewing (esp. during the eight month of the lunar calendar), Enjoyment of the moon |
月夜(つきよ-tsu ki yo) |
Moonlight night |
月夜に釜を抜かれる(つきよにかまをぬかれる-tsu ki yo ni ka ma wo nu ka re ru) |
When dark nights people is cautious, but on bright moonlit nights people let his guard down and get his things stolen, People tend to become less vigilant when their condition improves |
月夜に提灯(つきよにちょうちん-tsu ki yo ni cho u chi n) |
Not only useless but also a hindrance |
月読み or 月夜見(つきよみ or つくよみ-tsu ki yo mi (or) tsu ku yo mi) |
God of moon |
月割り(つきわり-tsu ki wa ri) |
Monthly installments, Monthly installment plan |
隔月(かくげつ-ka ku ge tsu) |
Every other month |
寒月(かんげつ-ka n ge tsu) |
① Wintry moon, ② Winter month |
観月(かんげつ-ka n ge tu) |
Moon viewing (esp. during the eight month of the lunar calendar) |
今月(こんげつ-ko n ge tsu) |
This month |
歳月(さいげつ-sa i ge tsu) |
Time, Years |
残月(ざんげつ-za n ge tsu) |
Morning moon, Moon at dawn |
日月(じつげつ-ji tsu ge tsu) |
① The sun and the moon, ② Time; Days and months, Years |
正月(しょうがつ-sho u ga tsu) |
New Year (esp. first three days), New Year’s Day |
新月(しんげつ-shi n ge tsu) |
New moon, Crescent moon |
水月(すいげつ-su i ge tsu) |
① Water and moon, ② The Moon reflected on the water, ③ Pit of the stomach; solar plexus |
先月(せんげつ-se n ge tsu) |
Last month |
前月(ぜんげつ-ze n ge tsu) |
Last month, Previous month |
年月(ねんげつ or としつき-ne n ge tsu (or) to shi tsu ki) |
① Months and years, ② Long time, ③ Date |
半月(はんげつ-ha n ge tsu) |
Half moon |
半月(はんつき-ha n tsu ki) |
Half a month |
風月(ふうげつ-fu u ge tsu) |
Nature, Beauties of nature |
満月(まんげつ-ma n ge tsu) |
Full moon |
三日月(みかづき-mi ka du ki) |
Crescent moon, New moon |
名月 or 明月(めいげつ-me i ge tsu) |
① Harvest moon (trad. 15th day of the 8th lunar month), ② Bright moon, Full moon |
夕月(ゆうづき-yu u du ki) |
Evening moon |
来月(らいげつ-ra i ge tsu) |
Next month, Coming month |
落月(らくげつ-ra ku ge tsu) |
Setting moon, Moon setting in the West |