0088-Jouyou-kanji “延” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Prolong” or “Expand” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “延”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “延” means “Extend”, “Draw in” or “Sum total” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "延"

Jouyou Kanji “延”

Jouyou Kanji "延" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “延” Stroke Order

Stroke # 8 Strokes
On-Yomi えん(en)
Kun-Yomi の(びる)(no(biru))
Meanings Extend, Stretch
Put off, postpone
Draw in, Pull in, Invite
Total sum

Kanji words which contain Kanji “延”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
延引(えんいん-e n i n) Postponement, Delay, Procrastination
延期(えんき-e n ki) Postponement, Deferment, Adjournment, Adjournment
延見(えんけん-e n ke n) Interview, Audience
延寿(えんじゅ-e n ju) Prolongation of life, Longevity
延焼(えんしょう-e n sho u) Spread of fire
延髄(えんずい-e n zu i) Medulla oblongata
延性(えんせい-e n se i) Ductility
延滞(えんたい-e n ta i) Delay, Overdue, Arrears
延着(えんちゃく-e n cha ku) Late arrival, Delayed arrival
延長(えんちょう-e n cho u) Extension, Elongation, Prolongation, Lengthening, Continuation
延年(えんねん-e n ne n) Longevity
延納(えんのう-e n no u) Delayed payment, Deferred payment
延命(えんめい-e n me i) Keeping alive longer, Prolonging life, Life extension, Life-support, Extension of life
延べ金(のべがね-no be ga ne) Sheet metal, Dagger, Sword
延べ人員(のべじんいん-no be ji n i n) Total number of man‐days
延べ坪(のべつぼ-no be tsu bo) Total floor space
延べ日数(のべにっすう-no be ni ssu u) Total number of days
延べ払い(のべばらい-no be ba ra i) Deferred payment
順延(じゅんえん-ju n e n) Postponement, Moving to a later date
招延(しょうえん-sho u e n) To invite, Invitation
遅延(ちえん-chi e n) Delay, Latency, Time-lag
蔓延(まんえん-ma n e n) Spread, Rampancy, Infestation, Proliferation, Being widespread


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