0711-Jouyou-kanji “催” Stroke Order and Meanings

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0711-Jouyou-kanji “催” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji "催"

Jouyou Kanji “催”

Jouyou Kanji "催" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “催” Stroke Order

Stroke # 13 Strokes
On-Yomi さい(sai)
Kun-Yomi もよお(す)(moyoo(su))
Meanings Urge, Press, Prompt, Demand
Gathering, Entertainment, Meeting
Symptom, Sign, Omen

Kanji words which contain Kanji “催”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
催告(さいこく-sa i ko ku) Notification, Formal demand
催促(さいそく-sa i so ku) Reminder, Letting a person to get things done faster
催眠術(さいみんじゅつ-sa i mi n ju tsu) Hypnosis
催涙弾(さいるいだん-sa i ru i da n) Tear-gas bomb
開催(かいさい-ka i sa i) Hold, To hold meetings or events etc
共催(きょうさい-kyo u sa i) Cosponsored, Co-sponsorship
主催(しゅさい-shu sa i) Sponsor, To play a central role in hosting meetings or events
催合(もやい-mo ya i) Co-operation, Doing things with others
催花雨(さいかう-sa i ka u) Blossom shower, Rain that encourages flowering


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