0172-Jouyou-kanji “介” Stroke Order and Meanings

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“Intervention” or “Intercalary” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “介”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “介” means “Involvement”, “Armor” or “Shellfish” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "介"

Jouyou Kanji “介”

Jouyou Kanji "介" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “介” Stroke Order

Stroke # 4 Strokes
On-Yomi かい(kai)
Kun-Yomi すけ(suke)
Meanings Assist, Help, Aid
Partition, Screen
(One of officer name for old Japan local government)

Kanji words which contain Kanji “介”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
介意(かいい-ka i i) Worrying about, Caring about
介在(かいざい-ka i za i) Lie between, Intervene, Existing (between), Interposition, Involvement
介錯(かいしゃく-ka i sha ku) ① Beheading (as the ending to a seppuku), ② Assistance, Help
介添え(かいぞえ-ka i zo e) ① Assistant, Helper, ② Bridesmaid, Best man
介入(かいにゅう-ka i nyu u) Intervention, Participation, Interposition
介抱(かいほう-ka i ho u) Nursing, Care
一介(いっかい-i kka i) Mere, Only a ~, Good-for-nothing, Imbecile
紹介(しょうかい-sho u ka i) Introduction, Presentation, Referral, Showcase (of a product)
仲介(ちゅうかい-chu u ka i) Mediation, Intermediation, Brokerage
媒介(ばいかい-ba i ka i) ① Agency, Serving as a medium, Acting as an intermediary, ② Carrying (germs, diseases etc), Transmission
厄介(やっかい-ya kka i) ① Troublesome, Annoying, Difficulty, ② Care, Attention, Tending, Aid


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