Japanese Word for Sincerity and Related Words

Japanese Word for Sincerity

誠意 means Sincerity or Faith

Japanese Word for Sincerity

We use Japanese Kanji word “誠意(せいい-seii)” for translating English word “Sincerity” into Japanese. I showed large kanji image of this Japanese word in left side of this page.

And some other Japanese words also used for “Sincerity” such as “誠実(せいじつ-seijitsu)”, “真摯(しんし-shinshi)” and “真心(まごころ-magokoro)” etc.

And we have several other similar meaning words in Japan even though each of these words are often used slight differently.

Japanese Word for Sincerity

誠実 means Sincerity

Japanese Word for Sincerity

真摯 means Sincerity

Japanese Word for Sincerity

真心 means Sincerity

Kanji Stroke Order for 誠意

Stroke Order for 誠意

Stroke Order for 誠意


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