This is “ha” for Hiragana.
This is “ha” for Katakana.
Usually we pronounce “は” and “ハ” as “ha”, but when “は” or “ハ” were used just after subjective words, we have to pronounce “は” and “ハ” as “wa”.
彼は東京に行く(He go to Tokyo). In this case the letter “は” is pronounced as “wa”.
Hiragana and Katakana Stroke Orders
Please click here for referring the stroke orders of all Hiragana and Katakana characters.
Here is a video of Japanese Hiragana stroke orders for は(ha) ひ(hi) ふ(fu) へ(he) ほ(ho).
Here is a video of Japanese Katakana stroke orders for ハ(ha) ヒ(hi) フ(fu) ヘ(he) ホ(ho).
Pronunciation of は ひ ふ へ ほ