“Mother” or “Birthplace” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “母”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “母” means “Wet nurse”, “Source of things” or “Native country” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “母”

Jouyou Kanji “母” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
5 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
ぼ(bo) |
ぼう(bou) |
も(mo) |
Kun-Yomi |
はは(haha) |
Meanings |
Mother |
Elder female |
Nursing mother, Wet nurse, Nanny |
Source of things |
Birthplace, Native country |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “母”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
母屋(おもや-o mo ya) |
Main building, Main house, Central room of a house |
母上(ははうえ-ha ha u e) |
Mother |
母方(ははがた-ha ha ga ta) |
Maternal, Mother’s side of family, Matrilineage |
母音(ぼいん or ぼおん-bo i n (or) bo o n) |
Vowel |
母兄(ぼけい-bo ke i) |
Brother of the same mother |
母系(ぼけい-bo ke i) |
Maternal line, Matrilineage |
母系制度(ぼけいせいど-bo ke i se i do) |
Matrilineal system |
母型(ぼけい-bo ke i) |
Matrix, Mandrel, Master block, Mother die, Aster block |
母校(ぼこう-bo ko u) |
Alma mater, One’s old school |
母国(ぼこく-bo ko ku) |
One’s home country, One’s mother country, One’s homeland, Motherland |
母子(ぼし-bo shi) |
Mother and infant, Mother and child |
母性(ぼせい-bo se i) |
Maternity, Motherhood, Maternal |
母性愛(ぼせいあい-bo se i a i) |
Mother’s love, Motherly love, Maternal affection, Maternal love |
母船(ぼせん-bo se n) |
Mother ship, Mother vessel, Depot ship |
母体(ぼたい-bo ta i) |
① Mother’s body, ② Matrix, Parent body, Parent organization, Base, Basis, Nucleus |