Japanese Jouyou-kanji “偏” means “Be prejudiced”, “Be biased” or “Left side element of kanji” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
偏愛(へんあい-he n a i) |
Favoritism, Partiality, Predilection, Prejudice |
偏介(へんかい-he n ka i) |
Obstinate, Stubborn, Mulish, Die-hard, Bigoted |
偏奇(へんき-he n ki) |
Eccentricity, Deviation |
偏狭(へんきょう-he n kyo u) |
Narrow‐minded, Intolerant, Intolerant, Illiberal |
偏境(へんきょう-he n kyo u) |
Remote district, Back country, Out‐of‐the‐way place |
偏屈(へんくつ-he n ku tsu) |
Narrow-minded, Obstinate, Stubborn, Perverse, Unreasonable, Warped, Bigoted, Eccentric |
偏見(へんけん-he n ke n) |
Prejudice, Bias, Distorted view |
偏向(へんこう-he n ko u) |
Propensity, Tendency, Inclination, Deflection |
偏差(へんさ-he n sa) |
Deflection, Deviation, Variation, Declination, Drift |
偏在(へんざい-he n za i) |
Uneven distribution, Unfair distribution, Maldistribution |
偏執(へんしゅう-he n shu u) |
Bias, Eccentricity, Obstinacy, Prejudice, Preconception |
偏食(へんしょく-he n sho ku) |
Unbalanced diet, Deviated food habit |
偏人 or 変人(へんじん-he n ji n) |
Eccentric person, Crank, Oddball, Oddity |
偏頭痛 or 片頭痛(へんずつう-he n zu tsu u) |
Migraine, Migraine headache |
偏重(へんちょう-he n cho u) |
Overemphasis, Placing disproportionate emphasis on, Making too much of |