1756-Jouyou-kanji “膚” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Skin” or “Surface” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “膚”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “膚” means “Skin”, “Texture” or “Grain (e.g. of wood)” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "膚"

Jouyou Kanji “膚”

Jouyou Kanji "膚" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “膚” Stroke Order

Stroke # 15 Strokes
On-Yomi ふ(fu)
Kun-Yomi はだ(hada)
Meanings Skin

Kanji words which contain Kanji “膚”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
膚着 or 肌着(はだぎ-ha da gi) Underwear, Underclothes, Lingerie, Chemise, Singlet
膚寒い or 肌寒い(はださむい-ha da sa mu i) Chilly, Unpleasantly cold
膚触り or 肌触り(はだざわり-ha da za wa ri) The touch of, Feel of, Texture, Tactile property
膚身 or 肌身(はだみ-ha da mi) ① Body, One’s skin, ② Female honor, Chastity
膚を脱ぐ or 肌を脱ぐ(はだをぬぐ-ha da wo nu gu) To help (other), To work for someone for assisting him or her
膚浅(ふせん-fu se n) Thoughtless, Inconsiderateness
完膚(かんぷ-ka n pu) Unwounded skin, Whole skin
皮膚(ひふ-hi fu) Skin, Cutis, Derm, Integument


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