“Break” or “Tear” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “破”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “破” means “Destroy”, “Break up” or “Get through” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “破”

Jouyou Kanji “破” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
10 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
は(ha) |
Kun-Yomi |
やぶ(る)(yabu(ru)) |
やぶ(れる)(yabu(reru)) |
わ(れる)(wa(reru)) |
Meanings |
Tear, Break, Destroy, Defeat |
Crush, Smash, Ruin |
Accomplish, Get through, Achieve |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “破”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
破屋(はおく-ha o ku) |
Tumbledown house, Dilapidated house |
破瓜(はか-ha ka) |
① Age 16 (of a girl), Pubescence, Puberty, ② Breaking of the hymen (during sex), Defloration, Deflowering |
破戒(はかい-ha ka i) |
The Broken Commandment, Violation of the Buddhist commandments |
破壊(はかい-ha ka i) |
Breakdown, Consumption, Demolition, Destruction, Lysis, Ruin |
破格(はかく-ha ka ku) |
Exceptional, Unprecedented, Special |
破顔(はがん-ha ga n) |
Giving a broad smile |
破棄 or 破毀(はき-ha ki) |
Cancellation, Destruction, Tearing up and discarding |
破却(はきゃく-ha kya ku) |
Complete destruction, Demolition |
破鏡(はきょう-ha kyo u) |
① Broken mirror, ② Marital separation, Divorce, ③ Partially-eclipsed moon |
破局(はきょく-ha kyo ku) |
Catastrophe, Collapse, Breakup, Split |
破獄(はごく-ha go ku) |
Breaking out of prison |
破砕(はさい-ha sa i) |
Crushing (into pieces), Smashing, Cracking, Breaking up |
破算(はさん-ha sa n) |
Clearing an abacus, Calculation, Computation, Reckoning, Figuring |
破産(はさん-ha sa n) |
Insolvency, Bankruptcy |
破邪顕正(はじゃけんしょう-ha ja ke n sho u) |
Crushing evil and spreading the truth, Preaching the truth and combating error |
破傷風(はしょうふう-ha sho u fu u) |
Tetanus, Lockjaw |