1583-Jouyou-kanji “日” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Sun” or “Each day” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “日”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “日” means “Sunday”, “Day time” or “Unit word for counting days” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "日"

Jouyou Kanji “日”

Jouyou Kanji "日" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “日” Stroke Order

Stroke # 4 Strokes
On-Yomi にち(nichi)
Kun-Yomi ひ(hi)
Meanings Sun, Sunlight
Day time
A day (whole day-24 hours)
Each day, Every day
Period, Season, Time, Occasion
Japan (日本 means Japan)
Unit word for counting days

Kanji words which contain Kanji “日”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
日月(にちげつ-ni chi ge tsu) ① Sun and moon, ② Time, Days and months, Years, ③ Sunday and Monday
日銀(にちぎん-ni chi gi n) Bank of Japan
日限(にちげん-ni chi ge n) Fixed date, Appointed date, Time limit
日常(にちじょう-ni chi jo u) Every day, Daily, Ordinary, Usual, Routine, Regular
日常茶飯事(にちじょうさはんじ-ni chi jo u sa ha n ji) Daily event, Daily occurrence, Everyday affair
日々(にちにち or ひび-ni chi ni chi (or) hi bi) Daily, Everyday, Day after day, Day by day, From day to day
日暮(にちぼ-ni chi bo) Twilight, Sunset, Dusk, Evening
日没(にちぼつ-ni chi bo tsu) Sunset, Sundown
日夜(にちや-ni chi ya) Day and night, All day, Around the clock, Always, Constantly
日曜(にちよう-ni chi yo u) Sunday
日用品(にちようひん-ni chi yo u hi n) Commodity, Daily necessaries, Necessaries of life
日輪(にちりん-ni chi ri n) The sun
日貨(にっか-ni kka) ① Japanese goods, Exported goods from Japan, ② Japanese coin, Japanese money
日課(にっか-ni kka) Daily work, Daily task, Daily routine, Daily lesson
日刊(にっかん-ni kka n) Daily publication, Daily issue


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