“Climb” or “Go up” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “登”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “登” means “Attend the office”, “Bear fruit” or “Pass an examination” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “登”

Jouyou Kanji “登” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
12 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
とう(tou) |
と(to) |
Kun-Yomi |
のぼ(る)(nobo(ru)) |
Meanings |
Climb, Go up, Ascend |
Attend the office, Pass an examination, Appoint, Promote |
Register, Enroll |
Achieve, Accomplish |
Ripen, Bear fruit, Mature |
At once, Immediately, Just now |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “登”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
登記(とうき-to u ki) |
Registration |
登極(とうきょく-to u kyo ku) |
(Imperial) accession, Accession to the throne |
登高(とうこう-to u ko u) |
Climbing up |
登校(とうこう-to u ko u) |
Going to school, Attendance (at school) |
登載(とうさい-to u sa i) |
Registration, Record, Publication, Insertion, Printing |
登場(とうじょう-to u jo u) |
Appearance, Arrival, Advent |
登仙(とうせん-to u se n) |
① Becoming a saint, ② Death of a high-ranking person |
登壇(とうだん-to u da n) |
Taking platform, Going on stage to give a speech |
登庁(とうちょう-to u cho u) |
Attending a government office |
登頂(とうちょう-to u cho u) |
Climbing to the summit, Summiting |
登攀(とうはん-to u ha n) |
Scaling, Climbing, Ascending |
登用(とうよう-to u yo u) |
Appointment, Assignment, Promotion |
登竜門(とうりゅうもん-to u ryo u mo n) |
Gateway to success |
登臨(とうりん-to u ri n) |
① Climbing up and looking down from a height, ② Govern the people by becoming a ruler |
登楼(とうろう-to u ro u) |
① Climbing a tower, Going up a tall building, ② Visiting a brothel |