“Play music” or “Play an instrument” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “奏”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “奏” means “Play an instrument”, “Offer” or “Report to superior” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “奏”

Jouyou Kanji “奏” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
9 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
そう(sou) |
Kun-Yomi |
かな(でる)(kana(deru)) |
すす(める)(susu(meru)) |
Meanings |
Play music, Play an instrument |
Offer, Recommend, Present |
Inform, Report or Advise to superior |
Succeed, Accomplish |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “奏”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
奏楽(そうがく-so u ga ku) |
Musical performance |
奏功(そうこう-so u ko u) |
Success, Achievement, Fruition |
奏上(そうじょう-so u jo u) |
To report to the Emperor |
奏請(そうせい-so u se i) |
Petitioning the Emperor |
奏聞(そうもん-so u mo n) |
Reporting to the Emperor |
演奏(えんそう-e n so u) |
Musical performance |
合奏(がっそう-ga sso u) |
Ensemble, Concert |
協奏曲(きょうそうきょく-kyo u so u kyo ku) |
Concerto |
上奏(じょうそう-jo u so u) |
Report to the throne |
序奏(じょそう-jo so u) |
(Musical) Introduction |
吹奏楽(すいそうがく-su ni so u ga ku) |
Wind instrument music |
前奏(ぜんそう-ze n so u) |
Prelude, Overture |
弾奏(だんそう-da n so u) |
Playing on stringed instruments, Performance |
伝奏(でんそう-de n so u) |
Delivering a message to the emperor |
独奏(どくそう-do ku so u) |
Solo, Recital |
伴奏(ばんそう-ba n so u) |
Accompaniment |