“Tribute” or “Land tax” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “租”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “租” means “Lease”, “Ground rent” or “Land tax” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “租”

Jouyou Kanji “租” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
10 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
そ(so) |
Kun-Yomi |
みつぎ(mitsugi) |
ちんが(り)(chinga(ri)) |
Meanings |
Tribute, Land tax, Ground rent, Tax |
Lease |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “租”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
租界(そかい-so ka i) |
Concession, Settlement |
租借(そしゃく-so sha ku) |
Lease, Borrowing part of the land of another country for a limited period of time |
租税(そぜい-so ze i) |
Tax |
租庸調(そようちょう-so yo u cho u) |
(A kind of taxation system adopted in east asia in old time) |
地租(ちそ-chi so) |
Land tax |
田租(でんそ-de n so) |
Farm tariff, Rice field tax |
免租(めんそ-me n so) |
Tax exemption |