1197-Jouyou-kanji “前” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Before” or “Front” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “前”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “前” means “Go forward”, “In advance” or “Respect word for noble person” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "前"

Jouyou Kanji “前”

Jouyou Kanji "前" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “前” Stroke Order

Stroke # 9 Strokes
On-Yomi ぜん(zen)
Kun-Yomi まえ(mae)
Meanings Before, Ago, Previous
Beforehand, In advance
Go forward, March forward
Lead, Guide
Allotment, Assignment
Respect word for noble person
Words for calling one’s subordinates or colleagues

Kanji words which contain Kanji “前”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
前衛(ぜんえい-ze n e i) ① Advance guard, Vanguard, ② Avant-garde
前科(ぜんか-ze n ka) Criminal record, Police record
前回(ぜんかい-ze n ka i) Last time
前記(ぜんき-ze n ki) Aforesaid, Above-mentioned
前期(ぜんき-ze n ki) First term, First half of
前駆(ぜんく-ze n ku) Leading rider, Precursor, Vanguard, Forerunner
前景(ぜんけい-ze n ke i) Foreground, Front view
前掲(ぜんけい-ze n ke i) Shown above, Above‐mentioned
前件(ぜんけん-ze n ke n) Aforementioned, Previous case, Antecedent
前言(ぜんげん-ze n ge n) One’s previous remarks, Previous statement
前古(ぜんこ-ze n ko) Old times, Ancient days
前古未曾有(ぜんこみぞう-ze n ko mi zo u) Unprecedented
前後(ぜんご-ze n go) Front and behind, Front and rear, Before and behind
前後不覚(ぜんごふかく-ze n go fu ka ku) Unconsciousness, Having no recollection of one’s actions


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