1140-Jouyou-kanji “石” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Stone” or “Pebble” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “石”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “石” means “Stone”, “Rock” or “Useless thing” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "石"

Jouyou Kanji “石”

Jouyou Kanji "石" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “石” Stroke Order

Stroke # 5 Strokes
On-Yomi せき(seki)
Kun-Yomi いし(ishi)
Meanings Stone, Pebble, Rock
Tombstone, Stone monument
Musical instruments made of stone
Stone needle (medical stone needle)
Example of hard one, Hard things like stones
Example of worthless one, Useless thing
Medicine made from stones (mineral)
Unit word for rice volume (1石 = about 180.3 litter)
Unit word for ship volume (1石 = 10尺 x 10尺 x 10尺=27.83 cubic meter)

Kanji words which contain Kanji “石”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
石垣(いしがき-i shi ga ki) Stone fence, Stone wall
石畳(いしだたみ-i shi da ta mi) Stone paving, Cobblestones
石段(いしだん-i shi da n) Stone steps, Flight of stone steps
石橋を叩いて渡る(いしばしをたたいてわたる-i shi ba shi wo ta ta i te wa ta ru) Being excessively cautious, Knocking on a strong stone bridge before crossing it
石部金吉(いしべきんきち-i shi be ki n ki chi) Man of incorruptible character
石高(こくだか-ko ku da ka) Yield, Stipend, Salary
石楠花(しゃくなげ-sha ku na ge) Rhododendron
石印(せきいん-se ki i n) ① Stone seal, Seal carved on stone, ② Lithography
石英(せきえい-se ki e i) Quartz
石材(せきざい-se ki za i) Stone material
石室(いしむろ-i shi mu ro) Stone hut, Stone shed
石室(せきしつ-se ki shi tsu) Stone tomb, Stone compartment (for dead person)
石筍(せきじゅん-se ki ju n) Stalagmite


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