“Stone” or “Pebble” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “石”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “石” means “Stone”, “Rock” or “Useless thing” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “石”

Jouyou Kanji “石” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
5 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
せき(seki) |
しゃく(shaku) |
こく(koku) |
じゃく(jaku) |
Kun-Yomi |
いし(ishi) |
Meanings |
Stone, Pebble, Rock |
Tombstone, Stone monument |
Musical instruments made of stone |
Stone needle (medical stone needle) |
Example of hard one, Hard things like stones |
Example of worthless one, Useless thing |
Medicine made from stones (mineral) |
Unit word for rice volume (1石 = about 180.3 litter) |
Unit word for ship volume (1石 = 10尺 x 10尺 x 10尺=27.83 cubic meter) |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “石”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
石垣(いしがき-i shi ga ki) |
Stone fence, Stone wall |
石畳(いしだたみ-i shi da ta mi) |
Stone paving, Cobblestones |
石段(いしだん-i shi da n) |
Stone steps, Flight of stone steps |
石橋を叩いて渡る(いしばしをたたいてわたる-i shi ba shi wo ta ta i te wa ta ru) |
Being excessively cautious, Knocking on a strong stone bridge before crossing it |
石部金吉(いしべきんきち-i shi be ki n ki chi) |
Man of incorruptible character |
石高(こくだか-ko ku da ka) |
Yield, Stipend, Salary |
石楠花(しゃくなげ-sha ku na ge) |
Rhododendron |
石印(せきいん-se ki i n) |
① Stone seal, Seal carved on stone, ② Lithography |
石英(せきえい-se ki e i) |
Quartz |
石材(せきざい-se ki za i) |
Stone material |
石室(いしむろ-i shi mu ro) |
Stone hut, Stone shed |
石室(せきしつ-se ki shi tsu) |
Stone tomb, Stone compartment (for dead person) |
石筍(せきじゅん-se ki ju n) |
Stalagmite |