1069-Jouyou-kanji “親” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Parents” or “Familiar” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “親”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “親” means “Parent”, “Familiar” or “Close” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "親"

Jouyou Kanji “親”

Jouyou Kanji "親" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “親” Stroke Order

Stroke # 16 Strokes
On-Yomi しん(shin)
Kun-Yomi おや(oya)
Meanings Parent
Intimate, Close, Familiar
In person, Personally
Dealer (in games such as card games, gambles etc)

Kanji words which contain Kanji “親”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
親方(おやかた-o ya ka ta) Master, Boss, Chief, Foreman, Supervisor
親子(おやこ-o ya ko) Parent and child, Parents and their children
親御(おやご-o ya go) Parents
親心(おやごころ-o ya go ko ro) Parental love, Parental affection
親父(おやじ-o ya ji) ① One’s father, One’s old man, Dad, Pops, ② Older man, ③ One’s boss
親潮(おやしお-o ya shi o) Kurile Current, Oyashio Current
親知らず(おやしらず-o ya shi ra zu) Wisdom tooth
親玉(おやだま-o ya da ma) Boss, Chief, Head, Leader
親の心子知らず(おやのこころこしらず-o ya no ko ko ro ko shi ra zu) A child does not know how deeply concerned his parents are
親の臑齧り(おやのすねかじり-o ya no su ne ka ji ri) Sponge off one’s parents, Dependence of children on their parents
親の欲目(おやのよくめ-o ya no yo ku me) The crow thinks her own bird fairest
親馬鹿(おやばか-o ya ba ka) Doting parents, Fond parents
親柱(おやばしら-o ya ba shi ra) Newel post, Main pillar
親船(おやぶね-o ya bu ne) Mother ship
親分(おやぶん-o ya bu n) Boss, Head, Chief
親許 or 親元(おやもと-o ya mo to) One’s home, One’s parents’ home


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