0933-Jouyou-kanji “巡” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Tour”, “Patrol” or “Circulation” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “巡”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “巡” means “Stroll”, “Tour” or “Patrol” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "巡"

Jouyou Kanji “巡”

Jouyou Kanji "巡" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “巡” Stroke Order

Stroke # 6 Strokes
On-Yomi じゅん(jun)
Kun-Yomi めぐ(る)(megu(ru))
Meanings Patrol, Inspection tour
Ramble, Turn round, Stroll
Unit word for counting Rotation

Kanji words which contain Kanji “巡”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
巡回(じゅんかい-ju n ka i) Circuit, Tour, Patrol, Circulation
巡業(じゅんぎょう-ju n gyo u) Provincial tour
巡警(じゅんけい-ju n ke i) Patrol
巡検(じゅんけん-ju n ke n) Inspection tour, Expedition, Inspector of the patrol
巡行(じゅんこう-ju n ko u) Patrol, Tour
巡幸(じゅんこう-ju n ko u) Imperial tour
巡航(じゅんこう-ju n ko u) Cruise, Cruising
巡査(じゅんさ-ju n sa) Police officer, Policeman
巡察(じゅんさつ-ju n sa tsu) Inspection rounds, Round of inspection, Patrolling
巡視(じゅんし-ju n shi) Tour of inspection, Round of inspection
巡錫(じゅんしゃく-ju n sha ku) Preaching tour
巡拝(じゅんぱい-ju n pa i) Circuit pilgrimage
巡遊(じゅんゆう-ju n yu u) Tour, Circuit, Cruise
巡洋艦(じゅんようかん-ju n yo u ka n) Cruiser (navy)


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