0878-Jouyou-kanji “呪” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji “呪”

Jouyou Kanji “呪” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
8 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
じゅ(ju) |
しゅ(shu) |
しゅう(shuu) |
Kun-Yomi |
のろ(う)(noro(u)) |
まじな(う)(majina(u)) |
まじな(い)(majina(i)) |
Meanings |
Curse, Imprecate |
Charm, Spell, Incantation, Exorcise |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “呪”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
呪術(じゅじゅつ-ju ju tsu) |
Magic, Sorcery, Incantation |
呪法(じゅほう-ju ho u) |
Formula for casting spells, Spell |
呪詛(じゅそ-ju so) |
Curse |
呪縛(じゅばく-ju ba ku) |
Psychologically depriving people of their freedom, Letting people unmovable by curse |
呪文(じゅもん-ju mo n) |
Spell, Charm, Incantation |
印呪(いんじゅ-i n ju) |
Forming a special shape with one’s fingers and chanting a mantra |
禁呪(きんじゅ-ki n ju) |
Charm, Incantation, Spell |
神呪(しんじゅ-shi n ju) |
Mystic spell, Dharani |
呪禁(じゅごん-ju go n) |
Vanquishing monsters, spirits, etc with charms |
呪師(ずし-zu shi) |
Conjurator, Incantator |