0875-Jouyou-kanji “趣” Stroke Order and Meanings

0875-Jouyou-kanji “趣” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji "趣"

Jouyou Kanji “趣”

Jouyou Kanji "趣" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “趣” Stroke Order

Stroke # 15 Strokes
On-Yomi しゅ(shu)
Kun-Yomi おもむき(ompmuki)
Meanings Taste, Elegance, An air, Looks, Appearance
Go, Hasten, Leave for
Urge, Quick, Speedy
Idea, Thought, Opinion, Aim

Kanji words which contain Kanji “趣”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
趣意書(しゅいしょ-shu i sho) Prospectus, Letter of intent
趣向(しゅこう-shu ko u) Idea for (going towards the good goal), Taste, Preference (for good result)
趣旨(しゅし-shu shi) Gist, Purpose, General meaning
趣致(しゅちゅ-shu chi) Taste, Elegance, Charm
趣味(しゅみ-shu mi) Hobby, Interest, Pastime, What one likes doing in one’s life
意趣(いしゅ-i shu) ① Intention, ② Grudge, Malice, Spite
雅趣(がしゅ-ga shu) Elegance
奇趣(きしゅ-ki shu) Odd taste, Strange taste
詩趣(ししゅ-shi shu) ① Poetic, ② Taste of a poem
情趣(じょうしゅ-jo u shu) Sentiment, Mood
風趣(ふうしゅ-fu u shu) Elegance
妙趣(みょうしゅ-myo u shu) Exquisite beauty or charms
野趣(やしゅ-ya shu) Rusticity, Rustic beauty


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