0875-Jouyou-kanji “趣” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji “趣”

Jouyou Kanji “趣” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
15 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
しゅ(shu) |
そう(sou) |
そく(soku) |
Kun-Yomi |
おもむき(ompmuki) |
おもむ(く)(omomu(ku)) |
うなが(す)(unaga(su)) |
Meanings |
Taste, Elegance, An air, Looks, Appearance |
Go, Hasten, Leave for |
Urge, Quick, Speedy |
Idea, Thought, Opinion, Aim |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “趣”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
趣意書(しゅいしょ-shu i sho) |
Prospectus, Letter of intent |
趣向(しゅこう-shu ko u) |
Idea for (going towards the good goal), Taste, Preference (for good result) |
趣旨(しゅし-shu shi) |
Gist, Purpose, General meaning |
趣致(しゅちゅ-shu chi) |
Taste, Elegance, Charm |
趣味(しゅみ-shu mi) |
Hobby, Interest, Pastime, What one likes doing in one’s life |
意趣(いしゅ-i shu) |
① Intention, ② Grudge, Malice, Spite |
雅趣(がしゅ-ga shu) |
Elegance |
奇趣(きしゅ-ki shu) |
Odd taste, Strange taste |
詩趣(ししゅ-shi shu) |
① Poetic, ② Taste of a poem |
情趣(じょうしゅ-jo u shu) |
Sentiment, Mood |
風趣(ふうしゅ-fu u shu) |
Elegance |
妙趣(みょうしゅ-myo u shu) |
Exquisite beauty or charms |
野趣(やしゅ-ya shu) |
Rusticity, Rustic beauty |