0603-Jouyou-kanji “行” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji “行”

Jouyou Kanji “行” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
6 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
こう(kou) |
ぎょう(gyou) |
あん(an) |
Kun-Yomi |
い(く)(i(ku)) |
ゆ(く)(yu(ku)) |
おこな(う)(okona(u)) |
みち(michi) |
や(る)(ya(ru)) |
Meanings |
Go, Visit, Walk, Go around |
Do, Perform, Act, Action, Deed |
Way, Road, Street, Route, Course |
Journey, Travel, Trip |
While walking, While going, While moving |
Pass, Leave, Depart |
Semi-cursive writing |
Line, Row, Verse |
Austerities, Penance |
Store, Shop, Bank |
Order of brothers and sisters |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “行”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
行火(あんか-a n ka) |
Bed warmer, Foot warmer |
行脚(あんぎゃ-a n gya) |
Travel on foot, Walking tour |
行宮(あんぐう-a n gu u) |
Temporary palace for an Emperor |
行灯(あんどん-a n do n) |
Andon, Japanese-style lamp, Paper-enclosed lantern |
行間(ぎょうかん-gyo u ka n) |
Line spacing, Space between the lines |
行儀(ぎょうぎ-gyo u gi) |
Manners, Behavior |
行啓(ぎょうけい-gyo u ke i) |
Attendance (of the Empress) |
行幸(ぎょうこう-gyo u ko u) |
Imperial visit, Going out together of Emperor and Empress |
行司(ぎょうじ-gyo u ji) |
Sumo referee |
行事(ぎょうじ-gyo u ji) |
Event |
行者(ぎょうじゃ-gyo u ja) |
Religious practitioner |
行住坐臥(ぎょうじゅうざが-gyo u ju u za ga) |
All the activities in ordinary life, Always |
行書体(ぎょうしょたい-gyo u sho ta i) |
Semi-cursive script |
行商(ぎょうしょう-gyo u sho u) |
Peddling, Peddler |