0524-Jouyou-kanji “剣” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Sword” or “Blade” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “剣”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “剣” means “Bayonet”, “Dart” or “Swordsmanship” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "剣"

Jouyou Kanji “剣”

Jouyou Kanji "剣" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “剣” Stroke Order

Stroke # 10 Strokes
On-Yomi けん(ken)
Kun-Yomi つるぎ(tsurugi)
Meanings Sword which has both edges, Sword
Martial arts which use swords

Kanji words which contain Kanji “剣”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
剣客(けんきゃく or けんかく-ke n kya ku (or) ke n ka ku) Swordsman, Fencer
剣侠(けんきょう-ke n kyo u) Man of great swordsmanship
剣戟(けんげき-ke n ge ki) ① Weapon, Arms, ② Fighting with swords, Sword fight
剣劇(けんげき-ke n ge ki) Sword‐fighting play, Action film featuring sword fighting
剣豪(けんごう-ke n go u) Great swordsman, Master swordsman, Master fencer
剣先(けんさき-ke n sa ki) ① Sword tip, Point of a sword, ② Tip of sharp object, ③ The thin and pointed tip of a Kimono
剣山(けんざん-ke n za n) Tool used in Ikebana for standing flowers
剣士(けんし-ke n shi) Swordsman, Fencer
剣爾(けんじ-ke n ji) The sword and jewel of the emperor (of Japan)
剣術(けんじゅつ-ke n ju tsu) Fencing, Swordsmanship
剣道(けんどう-ke n do u) Kendo, Swordmanship
剣難(けんなん-ke n na n) Danger from the sword
剣吞(けんのん-ke n no n) Dangerous, Risky, Insecure
剣把(けんぱ-ke n pa) Sword hilt
剣舞(けんぶ-ke n bu) Sword dance
剣法(けんぽう-ke n po u) Kendo, Fencing, Swordsmanship
懐剣(かいけん-ka i ke n) Dagger, Kaiken
手裏剣(しゅりけん-shu ri ke n) Dart, Throwing star, Shuriken
真剣(しんけん-shi n ke n) ① Real Sword, ② seriousness, To do thing seriously
短剣(たんけん-ta n ke n) ① Short sword, Dagger, ② Hour hand (of a clock)
長剣(ちょうけん-cho u ke n) ① Long sword, ② Minute hand (of a clock)
刀剣(とうけん-to u ke n) Sword, Dagger, Knife, Bayonet
宝剣(ほうけん-ho u ke n) Treasured sword
木剣(ぼっけん-bo kke n) Wooden sword


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