0483-Jouyou-kanji “経” Stroke Order and Meanings

“To pass” or “To elapse” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “経”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “経” means “To experience”, “Warp” or “Sutra” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "経"

Jouyou Kanji “経”

Jouyou Kanji "経" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “経” Stroke Order

Stroke # 11 Strokes
On-Yomi けい(kei)
Kun-Yomi へ(る)(he(ru))
Meanings Warp(<-> Woof)
Vertical, Direction of North and South
As usual, Always
Canon, A book which describes doctrine or dogma
Reason, Truth, Right
Manage, Conduct, Govern
Pass, Go by, Go through
Measure, Surveying
Boundary, Border
Be constricted, Hang oneself

Kanji words which contain Kanji “経”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
経帷子(きょうかたびら-kyo u ka ta bi ra) Graveclothes, A white kimono to be worn to the dead when burying in a Buddhist style
経木(きょうぎ-kyo u gi) Paper‐thin sheet of wood, Wood shaving, Wooden wrapper
経師(きょうじ-kyo u ji) Craftsman who decorate bran or folding screen etc
経蔵(きょうぞう-kyo u zo u) Scripture house
経机(きょうづくえ-kyo u du ku e) Sutra-reading desk, Lectern, Reading desk
経典(きょうてん or けいてん-kyo u te n (or) ke i te n) Sutra, Scripture
経文(きょうもん-kyo u mo n) Sutra, Scriptural text, Buddhist scriptures
経論(きょうろん-kyo u ro n) Among the three sacred texts of Buddhism, the Sutra Collection contains the teachings of Shakyamuni and the Treatise Collection contains commentaries on them
経緯(けいい-ke i i) Longitude and latitude
経緯(けいい or いきさつ-ke i i (or) i ki sa tsu) Sequence of events, Timeline of an event, Detailed circumstances
経営(けいえい-ke i e i) Management, Administration
経過(けいか-ke i ka) Passage, Progress, Development, Course (of events)
経巻(けいかん-ke i ka n) Books written by ancient sages
経巻(きょうかん-kyo u ka n) Scroll of sutras
経験(けいけん-ke i ke n) Experience
経国(けいこく-ke i ko ku) Government, Administration
経済(けいざい-ke i za i) Economy, Economics
経書(けいしょ-ke i sho) Chinese classics, Classic Confucian writings
経常(けうじょう-ke i jo u) Ordinary, Continuousness, Incessancy
経世(けいせい-ke i se i) Administration, Government, Conduct of state affairs
経線(けいせん-ke i se n) Line of longitude, Meridian
経伝(けいでん-ke i de n) Sacred texts
経度(けいど-ke i do) Longitude
経費(けいひ-ke i hi) Expenses, Expenditure, Outgoings, Outlays, Costs
経由(けいゆ-ke i yu) Going through, Going via, Going by way of
経絡(けいらく-ke i ra ku) ① Thread of connection, Chain of reasoning, ② Meridian (in traditional Chinese medicine)
経理(けいり-ke i ri) Accounting, Finance
経略(けいりゃく-ke i rya ku) Administration, Rule
経綸(けいりん-ke i ri n) Governing, Administration, State policy
経歴(けいれき-ke i re ki) One’s career, Antecedents, Background
経路 or 径路(けいろ-ke i ro) Course, Route, Path, Channel
五経(ごきょう-go kyo u) The Five Classics (of Confucianism)
神経(しんけい-shi n ke i) Nerve
政経(せいけい-se i ke i) Politics and economics
仏経(ぶっきょう-bu kkyo u) Buddhist sutras


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