0443-Jouyou-kanji “吟” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Chanting” or “Recitation” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “吟”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “吟” means “Hum”, “Singing” or “Recitation (of a poem)” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "吟"

Jouyou Kanji “吟”

Jouyou Kanji "吟" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “吟” Stroke Order

Stroke # 7 Strokes
On-Yomi ぎん(gin)
Kun-Yomi うた(う)(uta(u))
Meanings Sing to oneself, Hum, Sing
Groan, Moan, Roar
Examine carefully, Inquire into, Select with care

Kanji words which contain Kanji “吟”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
吟詠(ぎんえい-gi n e i) Recitation or chanting of a poem, Recitation (of a Chinese or Japanese poem), Chanting, Singing
吟行(ぎんこう-gi n ko u) ① Seeking inspiration for waka or haiku, Going to scenic spots or ruins etc, ② Reciting or composing poetry while strolling
吟唱(ぎんしょう-gi n sho u) Recitation, Chanting
吟嘯(ぎんしょう-gi n sho u) ① To recite poetry, ② To raise a cry of lamentation
吟醸(ぎんじょう-gi n jo u) ① To produce high-quality fermented products, ② Ginjo sake, High-quality sake brewed by low temperature fermentation
吟醸酒(ぎんじょうしゅ-gi n jo u shu) High-quality sake brewed by low temperature fermentation from white rice
吟声(ぎんせい-gi n se i) Voice of reciting poetry, Recitation of Chinese poems
吟味(ぎんみ-gi n mi) Careful investigation, Scrutiny
吟遊詩人(ぎんゆうしじん) Minstrel, Wandering minstrel
閑吟(かんぎん-ka n gi n) Quietly reciting of poems
苦吟(くぎん-ku gi n) Struggle over the composition of a poem, Struggling to compose a poem
詩吟(しぎん-shi gi n) Recitation of Chinese poem
呻吟(しんぎん-shi n gi n) Moaning, Groaning
微吟(びぎん-bi gi n) Reciting poetry in a soft voice, Singing poem in a calm voice
朗吟(ろうぎん-ro u gi n) Reciting poetry sonorously, Singing poem sonorously


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