Japanese Jouyou-kanji “観” means “Observe”, “Appearance” or “Point of view” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
観桜(かんおう-ka n o u) |
Cherry-blossom viewing |
観客(かんきゃく-ka n kya ku) |
Audience, Spectator |
観劇(かんげき-ka n ge ki) |
Theatergoing |
観光(かんこう-ka n ko u) |
Sightseeing, Tourism |
観察(かんさつ-ka n sa tsu) |
Observation, Watching, Supervision |
観取(かんしゅ-ka n shu) |
Find, Feel, Discover, Perceive, Comprehend |
観衆(かんしゅう-ka n shu u) |
Audience, Spectator |
観照(かんしょう-ka n sho u) |
Meditation, (Objective) observation, Contemplation |
観賞(かんしょう-ka n sho u) |
Admiration, Enjoyment, Appreciation, Viewing (for pleasure) |
観世音(かんぜおん-ka n ze o n) |
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva), Avalokitesvara, Kannon, Guanyin, Buddhist deity of compassion |
観戦(かんせん-ka n se n) |
Watching a (sports) game, Spectating, Observing (military operations) |
観相(かんそう-ka n so u) |
Phrenological interpretation |
観想(かんそう-ka n so u) |
Meditation, Contemplation |
観測(かんそく-ka n so ku) |
Observation, Survey, Measurement |
観点(かんてん-ka n te n) |
Viewpoint, Point of view, Standpoint, Perspective |
観念(かんねん-ka n ne n) |
① Conception, Idea, Image, Notion, ② Sense (e.g. of duty), ③ Resignation (to one’s fate), Acceptance, Preparedness, ④ Observation and contemplation, Meditation |
観念的(かんねんてき-ka n ne n te ki) |
① Conceptual, Ideational, Notional, ② Ideologic, Ideological, ③ Speculative, Notional |
観音(かんのん-ka n no n) |
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva), Avalokitesvara, Kannon, Kwannon, Guanyin, Buddhist deity of compassion |
観音開き(かんのんびらき-ka n no n bi ra ki) |
Double doors (opening from the centre) |
観兵(かんぺい-ka n pe i) |
① To demonstrate the power of one’s troops to the enemy, ② Line up the soldiers and inspect them |
観望(かんぼう-ka n bo u) |
① Looking out into the distance, ② To see how things are going |
観覧(かんらん-ka n ra n) |
Viewing, Inspection |
観覧車(かんらんしゃ-ka n ra n sha) |
Ferris wheel |
偉観(いかん-i ka n) |
Grand sight, Magnificent sight, Spectacular view |
宇宙観(うちゅうかん-u chu u ka n) |
One’s vision of the universe |
外観(がいかん-ga i ka n) |
Appearance, Outward show, External appearance |
奇観(きかん-ki ka n) |
Strange spectacle, Singular spectacle |
客観(きゃっかん-kya kka n) |
Objectivity, Objective, Object |
参観(さんかん-sa n ka n) |
Visit, Inspection, To go to the place and observe it |
主観(しゅかん-shu ka n) |
① Subjectivity, Subject (philosophical), Ego, ② One’s personal opinion, One’s own idea |
人生観(じんせいかん-ji n se i ka n) |
One’s view of life, Attitude toward life, Outlook |
静観(せいかん-se i ka n) |
Watchful waiting, Careful supervision |
世界観(せかいかん-se ka i ka n) |
① Worldview, Outlook on the world, ② Setting (for a fictional work) |
壮観(そうかん-so u ka n) |
Magnificent spectacle, Thrilling sight, Grand view |
大観(たいかん-ta i ka n) |
Broad overview, General survey, Panorama |
達観(たっかん-ta kka n) |
Spiritual enlightenment, Farsighted view |
内観(ないかん-na i ka n) |
Self-examination, Introspection, Self-contemplation |
悲観(ひかん-hi ka n) |
Pessimism, Disappointment |
美観(びかん-bi ka n) |
Fine sight, Beautiful spectacle |
傍観(ぼうかん-bo u ka n) |
Looking on, Standing by and watching, Sitting back and watching |
楽観(らっかん-ra kka n) |
Optimism, Optimistic view, Taking an optimistic view |