0254-Jouyou-kanji “官” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Government official” or “Bureaucracy” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “官”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “官” means “Government service;”, “Function” or “Organs of a body” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "官"

Jouyou Kanji “官”

Jouyou Kanji "官" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “官” Stroke Order

Stroke # 8 Strokes
On-Yomi かん(kan)
Kun-Yomi つかさ(tsukasa)
Meanings Government official, Officer
Government office, Public office
Become an official
Organs of a body, Function

Kanji words which contain Kanji “官”, and their meanings

“Crown” or “Coronet” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “冠”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “冠” means “Title”, “Crest” or “Roof” etc.

Words Meanings
官位(かんい-ka n i) Official rank, Official position
官印(かんいん-ka n i n) Official seal
官営(かんえい-ka n e i) Government-owned, Government operation
官家(かんか-ka n ka) Imperial court, Nation, Government
官衙(かんが-ka n ga) Government office
官界(かんかい-ka n ka i) Official world, Officialdom, Bureaucratic world
官学(かんがく-ka n ga ku) Governmental school, National school
官紀(かんき-ka n ki) Rules which officials must follow, Official discipline
官給(かんきゅう-ka n kyu u) Government supply, Provided money or goods from the government
官許(かんきょ-ka n kyo) Authorization, Official permission, Government permission, Official licence
官業(かんぎょう-ka n gyo u) Government enterprise, Government-run enterprise
官金(かんきん-ka n ki n) Government funds, Public money
官軍(かんぐん-ka n gu n) Government army, Imperial army
官権(かんけん-ka n ke n) Government authority
官憲(かんけん-ka n ke n) Officials, Authorities, Police
官公庁(かんこうちょう-ka n ko u cho u) Government office, Government and municipal offices, Public agencies
官公吏(かんこうり-ka n ko u ri) Officialdom, Government officials, Public servant, Government employee
官舎(かんしゃ-ka n sha) Official residence
官署(かんしょ-ka n sho) Government office
官女(かんじょ-ka n jo) Court lady, Lady-in-waiting, Maid of honor
官職(かんしょく-ka n sho ku) Government post, Government service, Official position, Civil service
官人(かんじん-ka n ji n) Government official (esp. one of low to medium rank), Public servant
管制(かんせい-ka n se i) ① Control (by the state), Controlling, Coordination, ② Air traffic control
官製(かんせい-ka n se i) Government-manufactured
官設(かんせつ-ka n se tsu) Established by the government, Nationally established
官選(かんせん-ka n se n) Government-appointed, Official choice
官線(かんせん-ka n se n) State railway, Government line
官尊民卑(かんそんみんぴ-ka n so n mi n pi) Preponderance of official power, Predominance of the government over the people
官宅(かんたく-ka n ta ku) Official residence (for public servants)
官庁(かんちょう-ka n cho u) Government office, Government agency, Authorities
官邸(かんてい-ka n te i) Official residence
官途(かんと-ka n to) Government service, Government employ
官等(かんとう-ka n to u) Official rank (of government position)
官能(かんのうka n no u) ① Sensuality, Carnality, ② Sensory, Senses
官費(かんぴ-ka n pi) Government expense
官武(かんぶ-ka n bu) Civilian and military man
官府(かんぷ-ka n pu) ① Government office, ② Government, Authorities, Regime, ③ Federal agency, Government agency, Authority, Bureau
官服(かんぷく-ka n pu ku) Official uniform
官物(かんぶつ-ka n bu tsu) Government property, Government‐owned thing
官幣社(かんぺいしゃ-ka n pe i sha) Government shrine
官辺(かんぺん-ka n pe n) Government circles, Official circles, Official quarters
官房(かんぼう-ka n bo u) Government secretariat
官報(かんぽう-ka n po u) Official Gazette, Official telegram
官民(かんみん-ka n mi n) Government and people, Government and private sector, Public and private sector
官命(かんめい-ka n me i) Official orders, Official mission
官有(かんゆう-ka n yu u) Government-owned, State-owned, State ownership
官吏(かんり-ka n ri) Government official, Public servant, Civil servant
官立(っかんりつ-ka n ri tsu) Established by the government, National, Founded by the government
官僚(かんりょう-ka n ryo u) Government official, Bureaucrat, Bureaucracy, Officialdom
官僚政治(かんりょうせいじ-ka n ryo u se i ji) Bureaucratic government
官話(かんわ-ka n wa) Mandarin Chinese
器官(きかん-ki ka n) Organ (of body)
左官(さかん-sa ka n) Plasterer, Cement mason
仕官(しかん-shi ka n) ① Government service, Entering government service, ② Finding a new lord or master to serve
上官(じょうかん-jo u ka n) Senior officer
退官(たいかん-ta i ka n) Retirement from office
代官(だいかん-da i ka n) ① Local governor (Edo period), Local magistrate, Bailiff, ② Deputy official (Middle Ages), Acting administrator
長官(ちょうかん-cho u ka n) Minister, Government minister, Secretary (government), Director, Chief
任官(にんかん-ni n ka n) Appointment (to an office), Investiture, Commission
判官(はんがん-ha n ga n) ① Judge, Magistrate, ② 3rd grade official (ritsuryō system), Assistant district officer, Inspector
武官(ぶかん-bu ka n) Military officer, Naval officer
文官(ぶんかん-bu n ka n) Civil servant, Civil service employee, Civil officer
法官(ほうかん-ho u ka n) Jurist, Judge, Justice
冠木門(かぶきもん-ka bu ki mo n) Gate with a crossbar, Cross-barred gate
冠位(かんい-ka n i) System indicating court ranks by headgear colors
冠婚葬祭(かんこんそうさい-ka n ko n so u sa i) Ceremonial occasion
冠詞(かんし-ka n shi) Article (a, an, the etc)
冠者(かんじゃ-ka n ja) Young person, Young servant, Young man come of age (at 16)
冠省(かんしょう-ka n sho u) (Formal salutation for a brief letter) Forgive me for dispensing with the preliminaries, but I hasten to inform you that…
冠水(かんすい-ka n su i) Being covered with water (i.e. in a flood), Being submerged, Being inundated, Flooding
冠絶(かんぜつ-ka n ze tsu) Unsurpassed, Ranking foremost
冠毛(かんもう-ka n mo u) Crest (of birds), Pappus (of dandelion)
冠履転倒(かんりてんとう-ka n ri te n to u) Disorder, Chaos, Inversion
衣冠(いかん-i ka n) Kimono and ancient head-dress
栄冠(えいかん-e i ka n) Crown, Laurels, Garland, Glorification, Glory, Glorious victory
王冠(おうかん-o u ka n) Crown, A crown worn by the emperor(king) to represent the throne
玉冠(ぎょっかん-gyo kka n) Beautiful crown decorated with gems
桂冠(けいかん-ke i ka n) Laurel, Laurel wreath, Bay wreath
弱冠(じゃっかん-ja kka n) ① Twenty years of age, ② Being young
宝冠(ほうかん-ho u ka n) Crown made of gold, jewels etc


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