0006-Jouyou-kanji “悪” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Wickedness” or “Badness” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “悪”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “悪” means “Evil”, “Bad thing” or “Wicked person” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "悪"

Jouyou Kanji “悪”

Jouyou Kanji "悪" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “悪” Stroke Order

Stroke # 11 Strokes
On-Yomi あく(aku)
Kun-Yomi わる(い)(waru(i))
Meanings Bad, Improper, Wrong
Unpleasant, Dislike, Ugly

Kanji words which contain Kanji “悪”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
悪衣(あくい-a ku i) Shabby clothes
悪意(あくい-a ku i) Malice, Ill will, Evil intention
悪因悪果(あくいんあっか-a ku i n a kka) Sow evil and reap evil, Evil acts bring evil outcomes
悪運(あくうん-aku u n) Undeserved good luck, Luck of the devil, Dumb luck, Bad luck, Ill luck, Misfortune, Tough luck
悪疫(あくえき-a ku e ki) Epidemic, Plague, Pest, Pestilence
悪縁(あくえん-a ku e n) Evil fate, Evil destiny, Evil connection, Hopeless love
悪形(あくがた-a ku ga ta) Villain’s part (in a play)
悪戯(あくぎ or いたずら-a ku gi (or) i ta zu ra) Mischief, Prank, Trick, Practical joke, Mischievous, Naughty
悪逆(あくぎゃく-a ku gya ku) Atrocity, Villainy, Heinousness, Barbarity, Atrocity
悪逆無道(あくぎゃくむどう-a ku gya ku mu do u) Atrocious, Evil rebellion
悪業(あくぎょう-a ku gya u) Misdeed, Wrongdoing, Wickedness, Evil deeds
悪業(あくごう-a ku go u) Evil deeds one committed in one’s previous life
悪才(あくさい-a ku sa i) Genius for evil
悪妻(あくさい-a ku sa i) Bad wife
悪歳(あくさい-a ku sa i) Year of famine
悪事(あくじ-a ku ji) Evil deed, Crime
悪事千里を走る(あくじせんりをはしる-a ku ji se n ri wo ha shi ru) Bad news travels fast, Bad news travels quickly, Ill news comes too soon
悪疾(あくしつ-a ku shi tsu) Bad disease, Malignant disease
悪質(あくしつ-a ku shi tsu) ① Malicious, Vicious, Malignant, Underhanded, ② Shoddy, Inferior, Poor-quality, Second-rate
悪手(あくしゅ-a ku shu) Bad move (in chess, shogi etc)
悪臭(あくしゅう-a ku shu u) Bad smell, Offensive odor, Stink
悪習(あくしゅう-a ku shu u) Bad habit, Bad custom, Evil practice, Vice
悪趣味(あくしゅみ-a ku shu mi) ① Bad taste, Vulgar taste, Poor taste, ② Nastiness, Nasty behaviour, Perverse disposition, Perversity
悪循環(あくじゅんかん-a ku ju n ka n) Vicious circle, Vicious circle
悪所(あくしょ-a ku sho) ① Dangerous area, Perilous road, ② Red-light district, House of ill repute, Brothel
悪女(あくじょ-a ku jo) ① Wicked woman, ② Ugly woman
悪性(あくしょう-a ku sho u) Evil nature, Licentiousness, Lewdness
悪性(あくせい-a ku se i) Pernicious, Malignancy, Malignant, Virulent, Pernicious
悪食(あくじき-a ku ji ki) Gross eating, Eating strange food, Eating bizarre things
悪食(あくしょく-a ku sho ku) Simple diet, Plain food, Simple food, Frugal meal
悪辱(あくじょく-a ku jo ku) To hate being insulted
悪心(あくしん-a ku shi n) Evil thought, Malicious motive
悪心(おしん-o shi n) Nausea, Urge to vomit
悪神(あくじん-a ku ji n) Evil god, Fiend, Demon, Daemon, Devil
悪声(あくせい-a ku se i) ① Bad voice, ② Notoriety
悪政(あくせい-a ku se i) Bad government, Misgovernment, Misrule
悪税(あくぜい-a ku ze i) Irrational tax, Bad tax
悪戦(あくせん-a ku se n) Desperate fight, Hard fight, Hard fighting
悪戦苦闘(あくせんくとう-a ku se n ku to u) Hard fight, Struggle, Flounder, Tough fight, Desperate struggle
悪銭(あくせん-a ku se n) ① Dirty money, Ill‐gotten gains, Easy money, ② Bad quality coins
悪相(あくそう-a ku so u) ① Vicious look, Sinister countenance, Evil physiognomy, ② Bad omen
悪僧(あくそう-a ku so u) ① Dissolute priest, Depraved monk, ② Ferocious warrior monk
悪態(あくたい-a ku ta i) Abusive words, Slander, Abuse, Revilement, Vilification, Insult, Contumely
悪玉(あくだま-a ku da ma) Villain, Rogue, Scoundrel, Baddie
悪血(あくち-a ku chi) Poisonous blood, Impure blood
悪投(あくとう-a ku to u) Wild pitch
悪党(あくとう-a ku to u) Scoundrel, Rascal, Villain, Mob,Gang, Pack, Reprobate, Miscreant
悪道(あくどう-a ku do u) Wrong course, Evil course
悪童(あくどう-a ku do u) Bad boy, Naughty child, brat
悪徳(あくとく-a ku to ku) Vice, Immorality, Corruption
悪日(あくにち or あくじつ or あくび-a ku ni chi (or) a ku ji tsu (or) a ku bi) Unlucky day, Evil day
悪罵(あくば-a ku ba) Abuse, Cuss, Curse, Swear, Imprecate, Blaspheme
悪筆(あくひつ-a ku hi tsu) Poor handwriting, Bad handwriting
悪評(あくひょう-a ku hyo u) Bad reputation, Ill fame, Infamy, Notoriety
悪病(あくびょう-a ku byo u) Bad disease, Malignant disease
悪平等(あくびょうどう-a ku byo u do u) Vicious equality, Misapplied equality, Misguided equality, Misconceived equality
悪風(あくふう-a ku fu u) ① Bad habit, Vice, Bad manners, Evil customs, ② Storm, Raging winds
悪文(あくぶん-a ku bu n) Bad style, Poor writing
悪弊(あくへい-a ku he i) Corrupt practice, Evil practice, Bad custom, Abuse, Evil ways
悪癖(あくへき-a ku he ki) Bad habit, Vice, Pernicious habit, Abnormal behavior
悪法(あくほう-a ku ho u) Bad law, Evil ways
悪報(あくほう-a ku ho u) ① Bad news, ② Karmic retribution
悪魔(あくま-a ku ma) Fiend, Demon, Devil, Satan
悪夢(あくむ-a ku mu) Nightmare, Bad dream, Incubus
悪名(あくめい or あくみょう-a ku me i (or) a ku myo u) Bad reputation, Notoriety, Ill repute
悪役(あくやく-a ku ya ku) Villain’s part, Heavy
悪友(あくゆう-a ku yu u) ① Undesirable friend, Bad company, Bad companion, Bad influence, ② Partner-in-crime, Close friend, Buddy
悪用(あくよう-a ku yo u) Misuse, Improper use, Abuse
悪辣(あくらつ-a ku ra tsu) Crafty, Vicious, Unscrupulous, Sharp
悪例(あくれい-a ku re i) Bad example, Bad precedent
悪霊(あくれい or あくりょう-a ku re i (or) a ku ryo u) Evil spirit
悪化(あっか-a kka) Deterioration, Getting worse, Worsening, Aggravation, Degeneration
悪果(あっか-a kka) Bad results
悪貨(あっか-a kka) Bad coin, Bad money
悪漢(あっかん-a kka n) Villan, Rascal, Scoundrel
悪感(あっかん-a kka n) Chill, Shiver
悪鬼(あっき-a kki) Evil spirit, Demon, Devil
悪計(あっけい-a kke i) Plot, Trick, Evil scheme, Dirty trick
悪口(あっこう or わるくち or わるぐち-a kko u (or) wa ru ku chi (or) wa ru gu chi) Abuse, Aspersion, Defamation, Detraction, Insult, Speaking ill of
悪口雑言(あっこうぞうごん-a kko u zo u go n) All kinds of malicious gossip, Heaping verbal abuse on, Invective
悪行(あっこう or あくぎょう-a kko u (or) a ku gyo u) Misdeed, Wrongdoing, Wickedness, Bad act
悪寒(おかん-o ka n) Chill, Shakes, Ague, Shivering
悪阻(おそ or つわり-o so (or) tsu wa ri) Morning sickness, Hyperemesis gravidarum
悪気(わるぎ-wa ru gi) Malice, Ill will, Evil intent
悪知恵(わるじえ-wa ru ji e) Cunning, Craft, Guile, Serpentine wisdom
悪巧み(わるだくみ-wa ru da ku mi) Ruse, Artifice, Wiles, Sinister design, Trick, Conspiracy, Intrigue
悪者(わるもの-wa ru mo no) Bad guy, Villain, Evildoer, Scoundrel, Bad person
勧善懲悪(かんぜんちょうあく-ka n ze n cho u a ku) Poetic justice, Rewarding good and punishing evil
旧悪(きゅうあく-kyu u a ku) Past misdeed, One’s old crime(s), One’s past misdeed(s)
凶悪(きょうあく-kyo u a ku) Atrocious, Heinous, Fiendish, Brutal, Vicious
険悪(けんあく-ke n a ku) ① Dangerous, Perilous, Threatening, Stormy, Volatile, Tense, Critical, Serious, ② Stern (expression), Hostile (attitude), Sharp, Harsh
嫌悪(けんお-ke n o) Aversion, Repulsion, Hatred, Dislike
極悪(ごくあく-go ku a ku) Enormous wickedness, Diabolical, Fiendish, Atrocity, Enormity
罪悪(ざいあく-za i a ku) Crime, Sin, Vice
邪悪(じゃあく-ja a ku) Evil, Sinister, Black, Dark, Wicked
醜悪(しゅうあく-shu u a ku) Ugly, Unsightly, Hideous, Meanspirited, Mean, Repulsive, Disgraceful
性悪(せいあく or しょうわる-se i a ku (or) sho u wa ru) Ill-natured, Inconstancy
善悪(ぜんあく-ze n a ku) Right and wrong, Good and evil
俗悪(ぞくあく-zo ku a ku) Vulgar, Coarse, Low, Crude, Earthy, Gross


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