Japanese Word Images for the word Teacher

Japanese Word Images for the word Teacher

Japanese Word for Teacher

先生 means Teacher

Here are some Japanese word images for the word “Teacher”. In Japan we use the words “先生(せんせい-sensei)” or “教師(きょうし-kyoushi)” for translating this word into Japanese.

The below images are Japanese Kanji and Hiragana for these Japanese words.

Japanese Word for Teacher

先生 means Teacher

Japanese Word for Teacher

Hiragana for 先生

Japanese Word for Teacher

教師 means Teacher

Japanese Word for Teacher

Hiragana for 教師

Kanji Stroke Order for 先生

Kanji Stroke Order for 先生

Kanji Stroke Order for 先生


  1. Rita Loonskin says:

    I am friend of mine is a black belt teacher, and he wants to write his name in Japanese.

    Sensei Mario

    Can you write it for him?

    Thank you.

    • admin says:

      Hi Rita Loonskin
      Thank you for contacting me.
      The word “先生(sensei)” is usually used for school teachers or medical doctors etc(even though occasionally the word “Sensei” is used for martial art trainers).
      For martial art trainers, the word “師範(shihan)” is popular than “先生(sensei)”.
      Anyway I showed both of “Mari Sensei”; “マリオ先生”, “マリオ師範”.(In Japanese the word order different from your country so first come the person’s name followed by title. So not “Sensei Mario” and “Mario Sensei” is correct order.)

Copied title and URL