Japanese Jouyou-kanji “乱” means “Confusion”, “Be disturbed” or “Throw into disorder” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
乱れ箱(みだればこ-mi da re ba ko) |
Clothes tray, Iidless box for clothes |
乱雲(らんうん-ra n u n) |
Nimbus, Rain clouds |
乱獲 or 濫獲(らんかく-ra n ka ku) |
Overfishing, Overhunting, Excessive fishing, Excessive taking |
乱杭(らんぐい-ra n gu i) |
Palisade, Stakes planted at irregular angles and intervals as a defensive barrier |
乱杭歯(らんぐいば-ra n gu i ba) |
Snaggleteeth, Uneven teeth, Irregular set of teeth |
乱君(らんくん-ra n ku n) |
Monarch who disturbs the country, Selfish ruler |
乱軍(らんぐん-ra n gu n) |
Melee, Mixed fight, Rough-and-tumble, Tussle, Scuffle, Hassle |
乱撃(らんげき-ra n ge ki) |
Random shooting |
乱行(らんこう or らんぎょう-ra n ko u (or) ra n gyo u) |
Immoral conduct, Violent conduct, Misconduct, Dissipation, Profligacy, Debauchery |
乱作 or 濫作(らんさく-ra n sa ku) |
Excessive production, Overproduction |
乱雑(らんざつ-ra n za tsu) |
Disorder, Confusion, Clutter, Mess, Muddle, Disarray |
乱視(らんし-ra n shi) |
Astigmatism, Astigmatism, Astigmatismus, Distorted vision |
乱射(らんしゃ-ra n sha) |
Random firing, Random shooting |
乱酒(らんしゅ-ra n shu) |
Drunken spree, Drunken frenzy |
乱心(らんしん-ra n shi n) |
Madness, Insanity, Mental derangement |