“Sink” or “Go down” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “没”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “没” means “(Sun) set”, “Take away” or “Pass away” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “没”

Jouyou Kanji “没” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
7 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
ぼつ(botsu) |
もつ(motsu) |
Kun-Yomi |
しず(む)(shizu(mu)) |
おぼ(れる)(obo(reru)) |
つ(きる)(tsu(kiru)) |
し(ぬ)(shi(nu)) |
な(い)(na(i)) |
Meanings |
Sink, Go down, (Sun) set |
Lose, Get lost, Be missing, Be gone |
Hide, Conceal, Disappear |
Die, Pass away, End, Be over |
Confiscate, Take away, Forfeit |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “没”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
没我(ぼつが-bo tsu ga) |
Selflessness, Self‐effacement, Self‐renunciation |
没却(ぼっきゃく-bo kkya ku) |
Disregard, Ignoring, Discarding |
没後 or 歿後(ぼつご-bo tsu go) |
After somebody’s death, After death, Posthumously |
没交渉(ぼつこうしょう-bo tsu ko u sho u) |
Having no concern with, Lack of relation to |
没収(ぼっしゅう-bo sshu u) |
Confiscation, Forfeiture, Seizure, Impounding |
没趣味(ぼつしゅみ-bo tsu shu mi) |
Tastelessness, Lack of taste, Vulgarity |
没書(ぼっしょ-bo ssho) |
Rejected manuscript |
没常識(ぼつじょうしき-bo tsu jo u shi ki) |
Lack of common sense |
没世(ぼっせい-bo sse i) |
Death, Passing away |
没頭(ぼっとう-bo tto u) |
Immersing oneself in, Being absorbed in, Devoting oneself to, Giving oneself up entirely to |
没入(ぼつにゅう-bo tsu nyu u) |
① Sinking, Go under the water, ② Devote oneself to, Be absorbed in, Be immersed in, Immersion |
没年 or 歿年(ぼつねん-bo tsu ne n) |
Year of a person’s death, One’s age at death |
没落(ぼつらく-bo tsu ra ku) |
Ruin, Collapse, Downfall, Bankruptcy |
陥没(かんぼつ-ka n bo tsu) |
Cave-in, Collapse, Sinking, Depression (e.g. of the skull), Subsidence |
出没(しゅつぼつ-shu tsu bo tsu) |
Haunting, Making frequent appearances, Appearing often, Appearing and disappearing |