1818-Jouyou-kanji “保” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Keep” or “Preserve” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “保”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “保” means “Bring up”, “Take care” or “Kindergarten teacher” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "保"

Jouyou Kanji “保”

Jouyou Kanji "保" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “保” Stroke Order

Stroke # 9 Strokes
On-Yomi ほ(ho)
Kun-Yomi たも(つ)(tamo(tsu))
Meanings Keep, Preserve
Nurse, Bring up, Take care, Protect
Guarantee, Answer for
Kindergarten teacher, Nurse

Kanji words which contain Kanji “保”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
保安(ほあん-ho a n) Security, Peace preservation, Protection, Maintenance
保安林(ほあんりん-ho a n ri n) Forest reserve, Protection forest, Preserved forest, Preservation forest, Prevention forest, Protective forest
保育(ほいく-ho i ku) Child care, Day care (service), Nursing, Incubation, Upbringing, Nurture, Breeding
保育所(ほいくじょ-ho i ku jo) Day care center, Nursery center, Day nursery
保管(ほかん-ho ka n) Storing, Safekeeping, Storage, Custody, Safe custody
保菌者(ほきんしゃ-ho ki n sha) Disease carrier, Carrier, Bacilli carrier
保険(ほけん-ho ke n) Insurance, Assurance
保健(ほけん-ho ke n) Health, Preservation of health, Hygiene, Sanitation
保健所(ほけんじょ-ho ke n jo) Health center, Public health center, Health care center
保健婦(ほけんふ-ho ke n fu) Public health nurse, District health nurse, School nurse (in school)
保護(ほご-ho go) ① Protection, Safeguard, Guardianship, Custody, Patronage, ② Preservation, Conservation
保護者(ほごしゃ-ho go sha) Protector, Guardian, Patron, Parent
保護色(ほごしょく-ho go sho ku) Protective color, Protective coloration
保護鳥(ほごちょう-ho go cho u) Protected bird
保持(ほじ-ho ji) Retention, Maintenance, Preservation


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