“Direct” or “Right away” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “直”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “直” means “Repair”, “At once” or “Be on (night) duty” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “直”

Jouyou Kanji “直” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
8 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
ちょく(choku) |
じき(jiki) |
ち(chi) |
Kun-Yomi |
ただ(ちに)(tada(chini)) |
なお(す)(nao(su)) |
なお(る)(nao(ru)) |
じか(jika) |
ただ(tada) |
ひた(hita) |
すぐ(sugu) |
あたい(atai) |
Meanings |
Straight, Honest, Right, Obedient, Gentle |
Correct, Straighten, Repair, Reform, Restore |
Take charge of, Undertake, face |
Be on (night) duty, Keep watch |
Price, Value, Worth |
At once, Immediately, Right away |
Directly |
Earnestly, Eagerly |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “直”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
直参(じきさん-ji ki sa n) |
Immediate follower (of the shogun) |
直々(じきじき-ji ki ji ki) |
Directly, Personally |
直訴(じきそ-ji ki so) |
Direct appeal |
直奏(じきそう-ji ki so u) |
Direct report to the throne |
直談(じきだん-ji ki da n) |
Personal account (of), Direct talks |
直伝(じきでん-ji ki de n) |
Direct transmission (of mystery, skill, secret, etc), Initiation |
直披(じきひ-ji ki hi) |
Personal, Confidential (letter) |
直話(じきわ-ji ki wa) |
Account one heard from someone at first hand, Story one had direct from somebody |
直営(ちょくえい-cho ku e i) |
Direct management, Direct undertaking |
直往(ちょくおう-cho ku o u) |
Going unhesitatingly forward |
直音(ちょくおん-cho ku o n) |
Single-kana sound |
直撃(ちょくげき-cho ku ge ki) |
Direct hit, Direct stroke |
直言(ちょくげん-cho ku ge n) |
Plain speaking, Straight talk, Speaking frankly |
直後(ちょくご-cho ku go) |
Immediately following, Just after |