“Flow into” or “Pour into” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “注”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “注” means “Pay attention to”, “Attract people’s attention” or “Throw at a target” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “注”

Jouyou Kanji “注” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
8 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
ちゅう(chuu) |
Kun-Yomi |
そそ(ぐ)(soso(gu)) |
つ(ぐ)(tsu(gu)) |
さ(す)(sa(su)) |
Meanings |
Flow into, Pour into, Fill |
Pay attention to, Attract people’s attention |
Annotation, Notes, Commentary |
Stick, Join, Paste |
Throw at a target |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “注”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
注意(ちゅうい-chu u i) |
Attention, Notice, Warning, Heed |
注解 or 註解(ちゅうかい-chu u ka i) |
Note, Annotation, Gloss, Commentary |
注記 or 註記(ちゅうき-chu u ki) |
Annotation, Commentary, Explanatory note |
注視(ちゅうし-chu u shi) |
Close observation, Gaze, Stare |
注射(ちゅうしゃ-chu u sha) |
Injection, Shot |
注釈 or 註釈(ちゅうしゃく-chu u sha ku) |
Annotation, Note, Remark |
注進(ちゅうしん-chu u shi n) |
Reporting, Information |
注水(ちゅうすい-chu u su i) |
Pouring water |
注疏 or 註疏(ちゅうそ-chu u so) |
Commentary, Notes, Comments |
注入(ちゅうにゅう-chu u nyu u) |
Pouring, Injection |
注目(ちゅうもく-chu u mo ku) |
Attention, Observation, Remark, Notice |
注文 or 註文(ちゅうもん-chu u mo n) |
Order, Request, Demand, Condition |
注油(ちゅうゆ-chu u yu) |
Oiling, Lubrication |
注連(ちゅうれん or しめ-chu u re n (or) shi me) |
Rope used to cordon off consecrated areas, Talisman against evil, Cordoning off, Cordoning-off sign |