“Ground” or “Earth” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “地”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “地” means “District”, “Territory” or “One’s nature” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “地”

Jouyou Kanji “地” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
6 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
ち(chi) |
じ(ji) |
Kun-Yomi |
つち(tsuchi) |
ところ(tokoro) |
Meanings |
Earth, Ground, Land |
Place, Area, District, Space |
Territory |
Position, Rank |
Foundation, Aptitude |
Of the area, of the local place |
One’s nature |
Parts other than conversation in the text |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “地”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
地合い(じあい-ji a i) |
① Texture (cloth, fabric, paper), ② Market tone, Undertone, ③ Balance between the position of white and black stones (in go game) |
地色(じいろ-ji i ro) |
Ground color |
地謡(じうたい-ji u ta i) |
Chorus in utai singing, Noh chorus |
地顔(じがお-ji ga o) |
Face with no makeup |
地固め(じがため-ji ga ta me) |
Ground leveling, Groundwork, To drive piles into the ground |
地金(じがね-ji ga ne) |
① Ground metal, Base metal, ② True character, True figure |
地口(じぐち-ji gu chi) |
Pun, Word play |
地声(じごえ-ji go e) |
One’s natural voice |
地獄(じょごく-ji go ku) |
Hell, Inferno |
地獄の沙汰も金次第(じごくのさたもかねしだい-ji go ku no sa ta mo ka ne shi da i) |
Money talks, Money is the key that opens all doors, Money is the best lawyer in hell, Even the verdict of hell is determined by money |
地獄耳(じごくみみ-ji go ku mi mi) |
Big ears, Sharp ears, Long ears, Ability to remember everything one hears |
地酒(じざけ-ji za ke) |
Local brew, Local sake (wine) |
地所(じしょ-ji sho) |
Estate, Property, Land, Lot |
地心(じしん-ji shi n) |
Center of the earth |
地震(じしん-ji shi n) |
Earthquake, Seism, Quake |
地蔵(じぞう-ji zo u) |
Guardian deity of children |