1181-Jouyou-kanji “戦” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Fight” or “Battle” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “戦”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “戦” means “Fight”, “Battle” or “War” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "戦"

Jouyou Kanji “戦”

Jouyou Kanji "戦" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “戦” Stroke Order

Stroke # 13 Strokes
On-Yomi せん(sen)
Kun-Yomi いくさ(ikusa)
Meanings Fight, Battle, War
Tremble, Shudder, Shiver
Rustle, Wave

Kanji words which contain Kanji “戦”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
戦意(せんい-se n i) Will to fight, Fighting spirit
戦雲(せんうん-se n u n) War clouds, Threat of war
戦役(せんえき-se n e ki) War, War activities
戦火(せんか-se n ka) War, Flames of war
戦果(せんか-se n ka) Military results, Military gains, Military achievements
戦禍(せんか-se n ka) War damages, Ravages of war
戦艦(せんかん-se n ka n) Battleship
戦記(せんき-se n ki) Record of war
戦機(せんき-se n ki) Time for fighting, Time for battle
戦況(せんきょう-se n kyo u) Progress of a battle, War situation
戦功(せんこう-se n ko u) Meritorious services in war, Distinguished war services
戦国(せんごく-se n go ku) Country in civil war, Country disarrayed by war, Warring States
戦災(せんさい-se n sa i) War damage
戦士(せんし-se n shi) Warrior, Combatant, Soldier
戦史(せんし-se n shi) History of war, History of warfare


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