1166-Jouyou-kanji “千” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Thousand” or “Many” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “千”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “千” means “Thousand” or “Many” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "千"

Jouyou Kanji “千”

Jouyou Kanji "千" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “千” Stroke Order

Stroke # 3 Strokes
On-Yomi せん(sen)
Kun-Yomi ち(chi)
Meanings Thousand, Thousand times

Kanji words which contain Kanji “千”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
千客万来(せんきゃくばんらい-se n kya ku ba n ra i) Have a great number of visitors, Sso many visitors, Flood of customers
千切り(せんぎり-se n gi ri) Julienne, Julienne strips
千金(せんきん-se n ki n) Lot of money, Thousands of money
千鈞(せんきん-se n ki n) ① Great weight, So heavy, ② Priceless
千軍万馬(せんぐんばんば-se n gu n ba n ba) Veteran of many battles, (Having experienced) many battles
千言万語(せんげんばんご-se n ge n ba n go) Lavish words, Many words
千古(せんこ-se n ko) Remote antiquity, Eternity
千石船(せんごくぶね-se n go ku bu ne) Large junk
千古不易(せんこふえき-se n ko fu e ki) Eternal, Unchangeable, Everlasting
千古不磨(せんこふま-se n ko fu ma) Permanence, Immortality, Eternity
千載(せんざい-se n za i) Thousand years, Very long time
千載一遇の機(せんざいいちぐうのき-se n za i i chi gu u no ki) Rare opportunity, Chance in a million, Very good chance


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