1067-Jouyou-kanji “震” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Shake” or “Quake” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “震”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “震” means “Shiver”, “Shudder” or “Earth quake” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "震"

Jouyou Kanji “震”

Jouyou Kanji "震" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “震” Stroke Order

Stroke # 15 Strokes
On-Yomi しん(shin)
Kun-Yomi ふる(う)(furu(u))
Meanings Shake, Quake, Vibrate
Shudder, , Tremble
Roar, Peal, Boom
Thunder, Severe thunder, Thunderbolt
Earth quake

Kanji words which contain Kanji “震”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
震央(しんおう-shi n o u) Epicenter
震駭(しんがい-shi n ga i) Terror, Shock, Trembling with fear
震撼(しんかん-shi n ka n) Shock, Trembling with huge shock
震源(しんげん-shi n ge n) Seismic center, Focus, Epicenter
震災(しんさい-shi n sa i) Earthquake disaster
震天動地(しんてんどうち-shi n te n do u chi) Earth-shaking
震度(しんど-shi n do) Earthquake intensity, Scale of an earthquake
震怒(しんど-shi n do) ① Rage, Fury, Madness, ② Anger of emperor
震盪(しんとう-shi n to u) Shaking, To shake violently
震動(しんどう-shi n do u) Shaking, Impact, Tremor
震幅(しんぷく-shi n pu ku) Amplitude
強震(きょうしん-kyo u shi n) Severe earthquake
激震(げきしん-ge ki shi n) Very severe earthquake
地震(じしん-ji shi n) Earthquake
微震(びしん-bi shi n) Faint earthquake, Tremor


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