0847-Jouyou-kanji “捨” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji “捨”

Jouyou Kanji “捨” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
11 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
しゃ(sha) |
Kun-Yomi |
す(てる)(su(teru)) |
す(つ)(su(tsu)) |
ほどこ(す)(hodoko(su)) |
Meanings |
Throw away, Dump, Desert, Abandon |
Leave alone |
Give alms, Donate some things to temples or shrines |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “捨”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
捨象(しゃしょう-sha sho u) |
Abstraction |
捨身(しゃしん-sha shi n) |
Risking one’s life for others |
捨て石(すていし-su te i shi) |
Sacrifice stone (in go game) |
捨て売り(すてうり-su te u ri) |
Sacrifice sale, Dumping, Selling dirt-cheap |
捨て小舟(すておぶね-su te o bu ne) |
① Drifting boat, ② Nobody pays attention, Lonely person |
捨て書き(すてがき-su te ga ki) |
Write and leaving it somewhere, To write carelessly |
捨て金(すてがね-su te ga ne) |
Wasted money |
捨て台詞(すてぜりふ-se te ze ri fu) |
① Parting shot, Parting remark, ② A short line that the actor improvises according to the atmosphere of the place even though it is not written in the script |
捨て値(すてね-su te ne) |
Giveaway price, Sacrifice price |