0824-Jouyou-kanji “璽” Stroke Order and Meanings

0824-Jouyou-kanji “璽” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji "璽"

Jouyou Kanji “璽”

Jouyou Kanji "璽" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “璽” Stroke Order

Stroke # 19 Strokes
On-Yomi じ(ji)
Kun-Yomi しるし(shirushi)
Meanings Seal, Mark, Proof, Symbol
Emperor’s seal

Kanji words which contain Kanji “璽”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
璽符(じふ-ji fu) Imperial seal
印璽(いんじ-i n ji) A generic term for the Great seal and the Emperor’s seal
玉璽(ぎょくじ-gyo ku ji) ① Jade seal, ② Imperial seal
国璽(こくじ-ko ku ji) Great seal
宝璽(ほうじ-ho u ji) Imperial seal
御璽(ぎょじ-gyo ji) Imperial seal, Privy seal


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