0787-Jouyou-kanji “施” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji “施”

Jouyou Kanji “施” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
9 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
し(shi) |
せ(se) |
Kun-Yomi |
ほどこ(す)(hodoko(su)) |
し(く)(shi(ku)) |
Meanings |
Give |
Prepare, Arrange, Lay down |
Do, Act, Put in practice, Carry out |
Enforce, Put in force, Go into effect |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “施”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
施工(せこう or しこう-se ko u (or) shi ko u) |
Construction work, Execution |
施行(しこう-shi ko u) |
Operation, Enforcement, Actual operation |
施策(しさく-shi sa ku) |
Measure, Policy, Measures to be taken |
施政(しせい-shi se i) |
Government, Administration |
施設(しせつ-shi se tsu) |
Institution, Facility and building, Establishment |
施与(せよ-se yo) |
Charity, Almsgiving, Dispensation |
施餓鬼(せがき-se ga ki) |
Buddhist service for the benefit of suffering spirits |
施主(せしゅ-se shu) |
A person who gives money and other things to a temple |
施肥(せひ-se hi) |
Fertilization, Application of fertilizer |
施物(せもつ-se mo tsu) |
Goods of alms |
施薬(せやく-se ya ku) |
Free dispensation of medicine |
施療(せりょう-se ryo u) |
Free medical treatment, Gratuitous treatment |
施し物(ほどこしもの-ho do ko shi mo no) |
Goods of alms |
実施(じっし-ji sshi) |
Carry out, Execute, Carry through, Implementation |
布施(ふせ-fu se) |
Almsgiving, Alms, Offerings |