0772-Jouyou-kanji “糸” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji “糸”

Jouyou Kanji “糸” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
6 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
し(shi) |
べき(beki) |
Kun-Yomi |
いと(ito) |
Meanings |
Thread, Yarn, String, Fishing line |
Thin material like a thread |
Only a little, Only a few |
Few, Fine, Little |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “糸”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
糸入り(いといり-i to i ri) |
Silk with cotton threads, Striped woven fabric with silk thread in cotton thread |
糸切り歯(いときりば-i to ki ri ba) |
Canine tooth, Eyetooth, Cuspid |
糸口(いとぐち-i to gu chi) |
Beginning, Clue |
糸車(いとぐるま-i to gu ru ma) |
Spinning wheel |
糸尻(いとじり-i to ji ri) |
Bottom rim of cup or bowl |
糸竹(いとたけ-i to ta ke) |
Musical instruments, Strings and bamboo instruments, Stringed instruments and wind instruments |
糸鋸(いとのこ-i to no ko) |
Coping saw, Jigsaw, Fretsaw |
麻糸(あさいと-a sa i to) |
Hemp thread, Hemp yarn |
生糸(きいと-ki i to) |
Raw silk, Raw silk thread |
絹糸(きぬいと-ki nu i to) |
Silk thread, Manufactured silk |
蚕糸(さんし-sa n shi) |
Silk thread, Silk yarn |
製糸(せいし-se i shi) |
Silk-thread manufacture, Silk reeling |