0769-Jouyou-kanji “矢” Stroke Order and Meanings

0769-Jouyou-kanji “矢” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji "矢"

Jouyou Kanji “矢”

Jouyou Kanji "矢" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “矢” Stroke Order

Stroke # 5 Strokes
On-Yomi し(shi)
Kun-Yomi や(ya)
Meanings Arrow
Swear, Vow, Promise
Link, Put together, Arrange

Kanji words which contain Kanji “矢”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
矢言(しげん-shi ge n) ① Correct words, ② Words of oath
矢石(しせき-shi se ki) ① Allows and stones, ② Battle, Battlefield, War
矢鏃(しぞく-shi zo ku) Arrowhead
矢面(やおもて-ya o mo te) Front where the enemy’s arrow fling, Front of enemy’s attack
矢車草(やぐるまそう-ya gu ru ma so u) Cornflower
矢尻(やじり-ya ji ri) Arrowhead
矢種(やだね-ya da ne) One’s supply of arrows
矢継ぎ早(やつぎばや-ya tsu gi ba ya) Keep thing doing again and again quickly
矢庭に(やにわに-ya ni wa ni) Suddenly, Abruptly, Instantly
矢場(やば-ya ba) Archery range, Brothel
矢文(やぶみ-ya bu mi) Letter affixed to an arrow
矢来(やらい-ya ra i) Palisade, Bamboo palisade, Fence of diagonally crossed bamboo
嚆矢(こうし-ko u shi) ① Whistling arrow used to signal the start of battle, ② Start, Beginning
毒矢(どくや-do ku ya) Poisoned arrow
弓矢(ゆみや-yu mi ya) Bow and arrow


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