0679-Jouyou-kanji “魂” Stroke Order and Meanings

0679-Jouyou-kanji “魂” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji "魂"

Jouyou Kanji “魂”

Jouyou Kanji "魂" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “魂” Stroke Order

Stroke # 14 Strokes
On-Yomi こん(kon)
Kun-Yomi たましい(tamashii)
Meanings Soul, Spirit
Mind, Thought, Heart

Kanji words which contain Kanji “魂”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
魂胆(こんたん-ko n ta n) Ulterior motive, Plot, Scheme
魂魄(こんぱく-ko n pa ku) Soul, Spirit
魂祭り(たままつり-ta ma ma tsu ri) Ceremony honouring the spirits of ancestors (ex: Bon festival etc)
英魂(えいこん-e i ko n) Departed spirit, Spirits of dead soldiers, Honored spirit of a dead
招魂(しょうこん-sho u ko n) Invocation of a dead, To imitate or calm the spirits of deads
商魂(しょうこん-sho u ko n) Commercial enthusiasm, Salesmanship, Enthusiastic mind for growing one’s business
傷魂(しょうこん-sho u ko n) Wounded mind, Hurted mind
心魂(しんこん-shi n ko n) Heart, Spirit, Mind
精魂(せいこん-se i ko n) Spirit
亡魂(ぼうこん-bo u ko n) Spirit or soul of a dead person, A departed soul
幽魂(ゆうこん-yu u ko n) Spirits of a dead
離魂(りこん-ri ko n) Soul away from the body, Separated soul from a body
霊魂(れいこん-re i ko n) Soul, Spirit/td>


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