0652-Jouyou-kanji “合” Stroke Order and Meanings

Jouyou Kanji “合”

Jouyou Kanji “合” Stroke Order
Stroke # |
6 Strokes |
On-Yomi |
ごう(gou) |
がっ(ga) |
かっ(ka) |
こう(kou) |
Kun-Yomi |
あ(う)(a(u)) |
Meanings |
Fit, Suit, Match, Agree with |
Put together, Unite, Combine |
Gather, Come together, Swarm |
Spouse, Couple, Husband, Wife |
(Unit word for measuring volume) |
(Unit word for measuring land area) |
(One of ten signs which are divided into ten freely from start point to the summit) |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “合”, and their meanings
Words |
Meanings |
合縁奇縁(あいえんきえん-a i e n ki e n) |
Relationship formed due to a strange turn of fate, Predetermination, Predestination |
合鍵(あいかぎ-a i ka gi) |
Duplicate key, Pass key, Master key |
合口(あいくち-a i ku chi) |
Dagger, Brimless dagger |
合言葉(あいことば-a i ko to ba) |
① Watchword, Password, A word with which admit each other as a same group, ② Slogan, Motto, Catchword |
合性(あいしょう-a i sho u) |
Affinity, Compatibility, Chemistry |
合図(あいず-a i zu) |
Signal, Sign, Behavior or trick to inform things |
合いの子(あいのこ-a i no ko) |
Hybrid, Crossbreed, Eurasian |
合いの手(あいのて-a i no te) |
Interlude, Chanting or clapping along, Insert into songs, music, etc |
合服(あいふく-a i fu ku) |
Between-season wear, Spring and autumn clothing |
合い札(あいふだ-a i fu da) |
Check, Tag, Token, Ticket, Tally |
合間(あいま-a i ma) |
Between(time), Meantime, Meanwhile |